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  • 23 Apr 2024
      Hoa Mai Vàng, còn được gọi là Hoàng Mai hoặc Huỳnh Mai, là biểu tượng của sự may mắn và thịnh vượng trong dịp Tết Nguyên Đán. Bài viết này sẽ khám phá về Hoa Mai Vàng, cung cấp thông tin về nguồn gốc, đặc điểm, ý nghĩa, cũng như các bí quyết để trồng và chăm sóc cây quý báu này. 1. Thông Tin Về Hoa Mai Vàng 1.1. Nguồn Gốc Của Hoa Mai Vàng Hoa Mai Vàng đã là một phần của văn hóa và truyền thống trong một thời gian dài. Nó được đề cập trong tác phẩm "Trân Hương Bảo Ngự" của Phí Cung, mô tả vẻ đẹp của Hoa Mai Vàng: "Đắc Kỷ ái lãm hàn mai, Trụ tằng ngự tuyết đồng lãm chi" (Đắc Kỷ thích ngắm hoa mai trong cái lạnh, và nhà vua cũng đã ngắm nó trong tuyết). Tham chiếu này cho thấy hoa mai đã tồn tại ít nhất 300 năm ở Trung Quốc và được coi trọng như một biểu tượng của mùa đông bên cạnh cây thông và hoa cúc. Ở Việt Nam, giá mai vàng hoành 60 thường được tìm thấy ở các tỉnh miền Trung và miền Nam. Chúng chủ yếu được phân bố ở dãy núi Trường Sơn, Quảng Nam, Đà Nẵng, Khánh Hòa, và Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long. 1.2. Đặc Điểm Của Cây Mai Vàng Hoa Mai Vàng ban đầu mọc dại và phát triển mạnh trong khí hậu nhiệt đới. Cây có thân gỗ với vỏ sần sùi, nhiều cành và nhánh. Cành của cây Mai Vàng giòn, dễ uốn nắn và có thể được tạo dáng. Lá cây dài và có màu xanh tươi, tạo nên cảnh quan hấp dẫn. Cuối mùa đông, lá bắt đầu rụng, để lộ những chồi xanh mới và cuối cùng nở thành những bông hoa vàng rực rỡ. Tùy thuộc vào giống, hình dạng và số lượng cánh hoa có thể khác nhau, từ 5, 9, 12, hoặc nhiều hơn. 2. Ý Nghĩa Của Hoa Mai Vàng Trong Dịp Tết Hoa Mai Vàng gần như đồng nghĩa với Tết Nguyên Đán, đặc biệt là ở miền Nam Việt Nam. Nó được coi là biểu tượng của sự giàu có, thịnh vượng, và sung túc. Màu vàng tươi sáng của hoa thể hiện hy vọng về một năm mới tràn đầy niềm vui. 3. Các Loại Hoa Mai Vàng 3.1. Mai Vàng 5 Cánh Hoa Mai Vàng 5 cánh là loại được biết đến nhiều nhất trong cộng đồng người Việt khi họ nghĩ về cây mai. Loại này được chia thành nhiều loại nhỏ dựa trên hình dạng cánh hoa, như Mai Châu, Mai Liễu, Mai Cánh Nhọn, Mai Cánh Tròn, và các loại khác. 3.2. Mai Vàng 6-9 Cánh bán cây mai vàng giá rẻ 2021 thường được coi là biểu tượng của sự thịnh vượng. Số 9 trong tâm linh được coi là may mắn và được liên kết với hoàng đế. Loại này thường có 2 lớp cánh, một lớp với 4 cánh và lớp còn lại với 5 cánh, tạo thành một bông hoa tròn đầy, mang lại cảm giác dồi dào. 3.3. Mai Vàng 12 Cánh Mai Vàng 12 cánh còn được gọi là Mai Tư Giỏi. Cánh hoa của loại này thường có 3 lớp, tạo thành hình tròn hoàn chỉnh. 3.4. Mai Vàng Nhiều Lớp Cánh Mai Vàng Nhiều Lớp Cánh là một thuật ngữ chung để chỉ các loại hoa mai với nhiều hơn 2 lớp cánh và từ 24 cánh trở lên. Một số giống có từ 120 đến 150 cánh. Những ví dụ đáng chú ý bao gồm Mai Cửu Long, Mai 24 cánh Thủ Đức, Mai Huỳnh Tỷ, và Mai 120-150 cánh Bến Tre. 4. Cách Trồng Và Chăm Sóc Cây Mai Vàng 4.1. Cách Trồng Cây Mai Vàng - Bạn có thể trồng Hoa Mai Vàng bằng cách sử dụng hạt hoặc ghép cành. - Thời gian tốt nhất để trồng Cây Mai Vàng là vào đầu mùa mưa. - Chọn đất tơi xốp, trộn với xơ dừa, phân hữu cơ đã phân hủy, rồi đào hố, đặt hạt hoặc cành ghép vào đất và tưới nước. Bạn có thể tham khảo bài viết: mua mai vàng giá rẻ 4.2. Cách Chăm Sóc Cây Mai Vàng - Với Cây Mai Vàng, bạn cần tưới nước hai lần mỗi ngày, đảm bảo đủ nước để ngăn cây bị khô hoặc ngập nước. - Bón phân chứa nitơ và phốt pho để đảm bảo Cây Mai Vàng phát triển khỏe mạnh. - Cắt tỉa cành trước ngày 15 tháng Giêng âm lịch hoặc chậm nhất là ngày 20 để đảm bảo cây nở hoa đẹp và đúng thời gian. - Loại bỏ rêu và tảo trên thân cây bằng cách sử dụng vòi phun nước. Hy vọng rằng bài viết này đã cung cấp cho bạn thông tin hữu ích về Hoa Mai Vàng và giúp bạn hiểu thêm về cây này trong văn hóa và truyền thống Việt Nam.
    4 Posted by trankhoa856325
  •   Hoa Mai Vàng, còn được gọi là Hoàng Mai hoặc Huỳnh Mai, là biểu tượng của sự may mắn và thịnh vượng trong dịp Tết Nguyên Đán. Bài viết này sẽ khám phá về Hoa Mai Vàng, cung cấp thông tin về nguồn gốc, đặc điểm, ý nghĩa, cũng như các bí quyết để trồng và chăm sóc cây quý báu này. 1. Thông Tin Về Hoa Mai Vàng 1.1. Nguồn Gốc Của Hoa Mai Vàng Hoa Mai Vàng đã là một phần của văn hóa và truyền thống trong một thời gian dài. Nó được đề cập trong tác phẩm "Trân Hương Bảo Ngự" của Phí Cung, mô tả vẻ đẹp của Hoa Mai Vàng: "Đắc Kỷ ái lãm hàn mai, Trụ tằng ngự tuyết đồng lãm chi" (Đắc Kỷ thích ngắm hoa mai trong cái lạnh, và nhà vua cũng đã ngắm nó trong tuyết). Tham chiếu này cho thấy hoa mai đã tồn tại ít nhất 300 năm ở Trung Quốc và được coi trọng như một biểu tượng của mùa đông bên cạnh cây thông và hoa cúc. Ở Việt Nam, giá mai vàng hoành 60 thường được tìm thấy ở các tỉnh miền Trung và miền Nam. Chúng chủ yếu được phân bố ở dãy núi Trường Sơn, Quảng Nam, Đà Nẵng, Khánh Hòa, và Đồng bằng sông Cửu Long. 1.2. Đặc Điểm Của Cây Mai Vàng Hoa Mai Vàng ban đầu mọc dại và phát triển mạnh trong khí hậu nhiệt đới. Cây có thân gỗ với vỏ sần sùi, nhiều cành và nhánh. Cành của cây Mai Vàng giòn, dễ uốn nắn và có thể được tạo dáng. Lá cây dài và có màu xanh tươi, tạo nên cảnh quan hấp dẫn. Cuối mùa đông, lá bắt đầu rụng, để lộ những chồi xanh mới và cuối cùng nở thành những bông hoa vàng rực rỡ. Tùy thuộc vào giống, hình dạng và số lượng cánh hoa có thể khác nhau, từ 5, 9, 12, hoặc nhiều hơn. 2. Ý Nghĩa Của Hoa Mai Vàng Trong Dịp Tết Hoa Mai Vàng gần như đồng nghĩa với Tết Nguyên Đán, đặc biệt là ở miền Nam Việt Nam. Nó được coi là biểu tượng của sự giàu có, thịnh vượng, và sung túc. Màu vàng tươi sáng của hoa thể hiện hy vọng về một năm mới tràn đầy niềm vui. 3. Các Loại Hoa Mai Vàng 3.1. Mai Vàng 5 Cánh Hoa Mai Vàng 5 cánh là loại được biết đến nhiều nhất trong cộng đồng người Việt khi họ nghĩ về cây mai. Loại này được chia thành nhiều loại nhỏ dựa trên hình dạng cánh hoa, như Mai Châu, Mai Liễu, Mai Cánh Nhọn, Mai Cánh Tròn, và các loại khác. 3.2. Mai Vàng 6-9 Cánh bán cây mai vàng giá rẻ 2021 thường được coi là biểu tượng của sự thịnh vượng. Số 9 trong tâm linh được coi là may mắn và được liên kết với hoàng đế. Loại này thường có 2 lớp cánh, một lớp với 4 cánh và lớp còn lại với 5 cánh, tạo thành một bông hoa tròn đầy, mang lại cảm giác dồi dào. 3.3. Mai Vàng 12 Cánh Mai Vàng 12 cánh còn được gọi là Mai Tư Giỏi. Cánh hoa của loại này thường có 3 lớp, tạo thành hình tròn hoàn chỉnh. 3.4. Mai Vàng Nhiều Lớp Cánh Mai Vàng Nhiều Lớp Cánh là một thuật ngữ chung để chỉ các loại hoa mai với nhiều hơn 2 lớp cánh và từ 24 cánh trở lên. Một số giống có từ 120 đến 150 cánh. Những ví dụ đáng chú ý bao gồm Mai Cửu Long, Mai 24 cánh Thủ Đức, Mai Huỳnh Tỷ, và Mai 120-150 cánh Bến Tre. 4. Cách Trồng Và Chăm Sóc Cây Mai Vàng 4.1. Cách Trồng Cây Mai Vàng - Bạn có thể trồng Hoa Mai Vàng bằng cách sử dụng hạt hoặc ghép cành. - Thời gian tốt nhất để trồng Cây Mai Vàng là vào đầu mùa mưa. - Chọn đất tơi xốp, trộn với xơ dừa, phân hữu cơ đã phân hủy, rồi đào hố, đặt hạt hoặc cành ghép vào đất và tưới nước. Bạn có thể tham khảo bài viết: mua mai vàng giá rẻ 4.2. Cách Chăm Sóc Cây Mai Vàng - Với Cây Mai Vàng, bạn cần tưới nước hai lần mỗi ngày, đảm bảo đủ nước để ngăn cây bị khô hoặc ngập nước. - Bón phân chứa nitơ và phốt pho để đảm bảo Cây Mai Vàng phát triển khỏe mạnh. - Cắt tỉa cành trước ngày 15 tháng Giêng âm lịch hoặc chậm nhất là ngày 20 để đảm bảo cây nở hoa đẹp và đúng thời gian. - Loại bỏ rêu và tảo trên thân cây bằng cách sử dụng vòi phun nước. Hy vọng rằng bài viết này đã cung cấp cho bạn thông tin hữu ích về Hoa Mai Vàng và giúp bạn hiểu thêm về cây này trong văn hóa và truyền thống Việt Nam.
    Apr 23, 2024 4
  • 19 Apr 2024
    Australian Football - What Is It? Guide to Betting on Australian Football at WinTips Australian football, also known as Aussie Rules or footy, is a unique and engaging sport that has gained popularity in australian bookmaker reviews of online sports betting. With its distinctive rules and dynamic gameplay, Australian football has attracted a significant following and continues to grow in popularity. At WinTips, we aim to provide you with a deeper understanding of the origins and intricacies of this exciting sport and its corresponding betting options. Introduction to Australian Football: Australian football is a contact sport played between two teams, each consisting of 18 players on an oval-shaped field, with an additional 4 reserve players. The objective of the game is to score points by moving the ball through the opponent's goalposts at either end of the field. >> See more: Summary of the most reputable uk betting site in 2024 After each goal, points are awarded based on the location of where the ball crosses the goal line. The lowest score, one point, is awarded if the ball goes between a goalpost and behind post. The highest score, six points, is awarded if the ball passes between the two goalposts. Players are permitted to move freely around the field and use any part of their body to control the ball, including hands and feet. The primary tasks involve running, kicking, or handballing the ball, showcasing physical prowess, agility, and scoring ability. What is Australian Football Betting? Australian football betting involves placing wagers on the outcomes of matches or various aspects of the game through betting markets offered by bookmakers. While still relatively niche in Vietnam, Australian football presents an opportunity for punters to earn money through strategic betting. Similar to other sports, players can research teams, monitor match schedules, and place bets accordingly. Australian football betting is straightforward, offering relatively high winning probabilities. However, to maximize winnings, players should invest time in understanding the basic rules, betting options, and major Australian football leagues. Common Types of Australian Football Betting: Handicap Betting: Also known as spread betting, handicap betting is a popular form of wagering by bookmaker rating . In handicap betting, the stronger team is handicapped with a point deficit to balance the match. For example, in a match between West Coast Eagles and Western Bulldogs, if Western Bulldogs are given a 3.5 point handicap, they will need to either win or lose by fewer than 3 points for bets on them to win. Odd/Even Betting: This involves predicting whether the total points scored in a match will be an odd or even number and placing corresponding bets. Over/Under Betting: Bookmakers set a total points line, and players bet on whether the actual total points scored in the match will be higher or lower than the line. Tips and Strategies for Australian Football Betting: Understand the rules, scoring system, and gameplay to make informed betting decisions. Analyze match information before placing bets, including team tactics, player form, injuries, and past performances. Follow the match schedule and focus on high-profile games featuring top teams and players. Consider the impact of home ground advantage on team performance. Stay informed about player substitutions and tactical changes during matches. Join online communities dedicated to Australian football to gain insights and share predictions with fellow enthusiasts. In Conclusion: Australian football betting offers a unique and rewarding betting experience, combining the excitement of sports with the thrill of wagering. By understanding the fundamentals of the sport, exploring different betting options, and employing effective strategies, punters can increase their chances of success. So, whether you're a seasoned bettor or new to the world of sports betting, Australian football presents an exciting opportunity to immerse yourself in a dynamic and fast-paced sport while potentially earning profits. Visit WinTips today to start your Australian football betting journey! In conclusion, Australian football, with its unique blend of athleticism, strategy, and excitement, presents a captivating spectacle both on and off the field. From the thunderous clashes between rival teams to the strategic maneuvers of savvy punters, the world of Australian football betting offers a vibrant tapestry of experiences. Through this exploration, we've gained insights into the origins and rules of Australian football, as well as the diverse array of betting options available. We've uncovered the thrill of predicting match outcomes, handicaps, over/under totals, and more, all while immersing ourselves in the dynamic world of sports betting. For both seasoned bettors and newcomers alike, Australian football provides an enticing arena for testing one's knowledge, intuition, and strategic prowess. By understanding the nuances of the sport, analyzing team dynamics, and staying informed about upcoming matches, punters can enhance their betting experiences and maximize their chances of success. So, whether you're drawn to the adrenaline rush of live betting or the analytical challenge of pre-match predictions, Australian football offers something for everyone. And with platforms like WinTips providing comprehensive coverage and competitive odds, there's never been a better time to dive into the thrilling world of Australian football betting. In the end, it's not just about the wins and losses, but the journey of discovery, excitement, and camaraderie that makes Australian football betting an exhilarating pursuit. So, why not join us in embracing the excitement of Australian football betting today, and let the games begin!
    7 Posted by nguyencuong070421
  • Australian Football - What Is It? Guide to Betting on Australian Football at WinTips Australian football, also known as Aussie Rules or footy, is a unique and engaging sport that has gained popularity in australian bookmaker reviews of online sports betting. With its distinctive rules and dynamic gameplay, Australian football has attracted a significant following and continues to grow in popularity. At WinTips, we aim to provide you with a deeper understanding of the origins and intricacies of this exciting sport and its corresponding betting options. Introduction to Australian Football: Australian football is a contact sport played between two teams, each consisting of 18 players on an oval-shaped field, with an additional 4 reserve players. The objective of the game is to score points by moving the ball through the opponent's goalposts at either end of the field. >> See more: Summary of the most reputable uk betting site in 2024 After each goal, points are awarded based on the location of where the ball crosses the goal line. The lowest score, one point, is awarded if the ball goes between a goalpost and behind post. The highest score, six points, is awarded if the ball passes between the two goalposts. Players are permitted to move freely around the field and use any part of their body to control the ball, including hands and feet. The primary tasks involve running, kicking, or handballing the ball, showcasing physical prowess, agility, and scoring ability. What is Australian Football Betting? Australian football betting involves placing wagers on the outcomes of matches or various aspects of the game through betting markets offered by bookmakers. While still relatively niche in Vietnam, Australian football presents an opportunity for punters to earn money through strategic betting. Similar to other sports, players can research teams, monitor match schedules, and place bets accordingly. Australian football betting is straightforward, offering relatively high winning probabilities. However, to maximize winnings, players should invest time in understanding the basic rules, betting options, and major Australian football leagues. Common Types of Australian Football Betting: Handicap Betting: Also known as spread betting, handicap betting is a popular form of wagering by bookmaker rating . In handicap betting, the stronger team is handicapped with a point deficit to balance the match. For example, in a match between West Coast Eagles and Western Bulldogs, if Western Bulldogs are given a 3.5 point handicap, they will need to either win or lose by fewer than 3 points for bets on them to win. Odd/Even Betting: This involves predicting whether the total points scored in a match will be an odd or even number and placing corresponding bets. Over/Under Betting: Bookmakers set a total points line, and players bet on whether the actual total points scored in the match will be higher or lower than the line. Tips and Strategies for Australian Football Betting: Understand the rules, scoring system, and gameplay to make informed betting decisions. Analyze match information before placing bets, including team tactics, player form, injuries, and past performances. Follow the match schedule and focus on high-profile games featuring top teams and players. Consider the impact of home ground advantage on team performance. Stay informed about player substitutions and tactical changes during matches. Join online communities dedicated to Australian football to gain insights and share predictions with fellow enthusiasts. In Conclusion: Australian football betting offers a unique and rewarding betting experience, combining the excitement of sports with the thrill of wagering. By understanding the fundamentals of the sport, exploring different betting options, and employing effective strategies, punters can increase their chances of success. So, whether you're a seasoned bettor or new to the world of sports betting, Australian football presents an exciting opportunity to immerse yourself in a dynamic and fast-paced sport while potentially earning profits. Visit WinTips today to start your Australian football betting journey! In conclusion, Australian football, with its unique blend of athleticism, strategy, and excitement, presents a captivating spectacle both on and off the field. From the thunderous clashes between rival teams to the strategic maneuvers of savvy punters, the world of Australian football betting offers a vibrant tapestry of experiences. Through this exploration, we've gained insights into the origins and rules of Australian football, as well as the diverse array of betting options available. We've uncovered the thrill of predicting match outcomes, handicaps, over/under totals, and more, all while immersing ourselves in the dynamic world of sports betting. For both seasoned bettors and newcomers alike, Australian football provides an enticing arena for testing one's knowledge, intuition, and strategic prowess. By understanding the nuances of the sport, analyzing team dynamics, and staying informed about upcoming matches, punters can enhance their betting experiences and maximize their chances of success. So, whether you're drawn to the adrenaline rush of live betting or the analytical challenge of pre-match predictions, Australian football offers something for everyone. And with platforms like WinTips providing comprehensive coverage and competitive odds, there's never been a better time to dive into the thrilling world of Australian football betting. In the end, it's not just about the wins and losses, but the journey of discovery, excitement, and camaraderie that makes Australian football betting an exhilarating pursuit. So, why not join us in embracing the excitement of Australian football betting today, and let the games begin!
    Apr 19, 2024 7
  • 11 Apr 2024
    Exploring the Reputable Online Betting Site Wintips For those who harbor a passion for new online bookmaker and are in search of a trustworthy platform to indulge in, Wintips emerges as a noteworthy contender. This platform serves as an exciting arena for professional bettors, offering high conversion rates along with a plethora of diverse games. Let's delve into the strengths of this bookmaker in detail. Wintips and General Information The bookmaker wintips swiftly established itself as a familiar name within the community of card game enthusiasts. Since its inception, it has built a solid reputation among gamers, and its appeal remains undiminished to this day. A major draw for players at Wintips is its captivating promotional program, entirely free for new participants. The bookmaker's strengths lie not only in its credibility and security but also in the high winning rates its system provides. This is precisely why this betting arena stands out and enjoys popularity in the betting market. Effortless Betting and Abundant Benefits with Wintips As a reputable bookmaker highly rated by users, Wintips boasts several outstanding features: Super Fast Game Loading Speeds with Wintips To offer the best experience for its players, the wintips is bookmaker legal has optimized every aspect of its website, including browsers, connectivity, and graphics, with superior speed. Wintips' online betting service has earned high marks for reliability from numerous players. Issues such as server congestion and lag during gameplay are rare. The ultra-fast loading speed allows gamers to fully enjoy the games on offer. Dedicated Customer Service Team at Wintips The bookmaker top focuses on supporting players through a team of professional staff and comprehensive development. The support service is available in various languages, manned by professionally trained specialists with a dedicated attitude, ready to serve players at any time. High-Quality Gaming Services Wintips immerses you in a diverse and rich world of online betting games. Here, you'll find a complete range of game types including lotteries, sports betting, cockfighting, and casinos, offering a wealth of experiences for enthusiasts. Absolute Safety in Gaming at Wintips The reputable betting site has invested in anti-hacking and anti-fraud software to protect players' interests. This ensures peace of mind during transactions on the website. The cybersecurity team is professionally trained and available 24/7 to address and maintain security issues that gamers may encounter. All personal information and transaction histories of members are protected by SSL encryption. This ensures that data cannot be hacked or leaked, guaranteeing absolute safety. Scientifically Designed Website Interface of Wintips Upon accessing Wintips' website, you'll be pleasantly surprised by its simple yet attractive interface. Despite not being overly colorful, the design captivates players with its easy-to-navigate layout. The sharp, clear graphics and sound elements, enhanced by 3D graphics, make for an engaging experience, with every detail meticulously crafted to provide an interesting journey. Conclusion In conclusion, the journey through the diverse and dynamic world of Wintips not only unveils a universe brimming with opportunities for the avid bettor but also encapsulates a realm where passion for sports, games, and the thrill of the wager converge in a harmonious and secure environment. The platform’s steadfast commitment to providing an unparalleled user experience, through swift game loading speeds, comprehensive customer support, an array of high-quality games, and unwavering security measures, sets a benchmark in the online betting industry. Wintips, with its user-centric approach, has meticulously crafted an ecosystem that caters to the desires and needs of the betting community. The seamless integration of technology and user-friendly interface ensures that beginners and seasoned bettors alike can navigate through the myriad of betting options with ease and confidence. The vibrant array of promotional offers and bonuses further enriches the betting experience, providing both incentive and opportunity for players to explore and engage with the platform’s offerings. Moreover, the aesthetic and scientific design of the website interface not only enhances the visual appeal but also facilitates a more intuitive and enjoyable user experience. The meticulous attention to detail, from the clarity of the graphics to the cohesion of the layout, reflects a profound understanding of the user’s journey, ensuring that every interaction with the platform is both engaging and satisfying. As we reflect on the multifaceted offerings of Wintips, it becomes evident that this platform is not merely a destination for online betting but a sanctuary for those who seek the exhilaration of the game, the anticipation of the bet, and the joy of victory. It is a testament to the enduring allure of betting, a celebration of the human spirit’s penchant for adventure, and a beacon for the future of online gaming. In the grand tapestry of online betting, Wintips emerges as a vibrant thread, weaving together the essence of competition, the thrill of the gamble, and the unyielding spirit of camaraderie among bettors. Let the games begin, and may the odds be ever in your favor.
    9 Posted by nguyencuong070421
  • Exploring the Reputable Online Betting Site Wintips For those who harbor a passion for new online bookmaker and are in search of a trustworthy platform to indulge in, Wintips emerges as a noteworthy contender. This platform serves as an exciting arena for professional bettors, offering high conversion rates along with a plethora of diverse games. Let's delve into the strengths of this bookmaker in detail. Wintips and General Information The bookmaker wintips swiftly established itself as a familiar name within the community of card game enthusiasts. Since its inception, it has built a solid reputation among gamers, and its appeal remains undiminished to this day. A major draw for players at Wintips is its captivating promotional program, entirely free for new participants. The bookmaker's strengths lie not only in its credibility and security but also in the high winning rates its system provides. This is precisely why this betting arena stands out and enjoys popularity in the betting market. Effortless Betting and Abundant Benefits with Wintips As a reputable bookmaker highly rated by users, Wintips boasts several outstanding features: Super Fast Game Loading Speeds with Wintips To offer the best experience for its players, the wintips is bookmaker legal has optimized every aspect of its website, including browsers, connectivity, and graphics, with superior speed. Wintips' online betting service has earned high marks for reliability from numerous players. Issues such as server congestion and lag during gameplay are rare. The ultra-fast loading speed allows gamers to fully enjoy the games on offer. Dedicated Customer Service Team at Wintips The bookmaker top focuses on supporting players through a team of professional staff and comprehensive development. The support service is available in various languages, manned by professionally trained specialists with a dedicated attitude, ready to serve players at any time. High-Quality Gaming Services Wintips immerses you in a diverse and rich world of online betting games. Here, you'll find a complete range of game types including lotteries, sports betting, cockfighting, and casinos, offering a wealth of experiences for enthusiasts. Absolute Safety in Gaming at Wintips The reputable betting site has invested in anti-hacking and anti-fraud software to protect players' interests. This ensures peace of mind during transactions on the website. The cybersecurity team is professionally trained and available 24/7 to address and maintain security issues that gamers may encounter. All personal information and transaction histories of members are protected by SSL encryption. This ensures that data cannot be hacked or leaked, guaranteeing absolute safety. Scientifically Designed Website Interface of Wintips Upon accessing Wintips' website, you'll be pleasantly surprised by its simple yet attractive interface. Despite not being overly colorful, the design captivates players with its easy-to-navigate layout. The sharp, clear graphics and sound elements, enhanced by 3D graphics, make for an engaging experience, with every detail meticulously crafted to provide an interesting journey. Conclusion In conclusion, the journey through the diverse and dynamic world of Wintips not only unveils a universe brimming with opportunities for the avid bettor but also encapsulates a realm where passion for sports, games, and the thrill of the wager converge in a harmonious and secure environment. The platform’s steadfast commitment to providing an unparalleled user experience, through swift game loading speeds, comprehensive customer support, an array of high-quality games, and unwavering security measures, sets a benchmark in the online betting industry. Wintips, with its user-centric approach, has meticulously crafted an ecosystem that caters to the desires and needs of the betting community. The seamless integration of technology and user-friendly interface ensures that beginners and seasoned bettors alike can navigate through the myriad of betting options with ease and confidence. The vibrant array of promotional offers and bonuses further enriches the betting experience, providing both incentive and opportunity for players to explore and engage with the platform’s offerings. Moreover, the aesthetic and scientific design of the website interface not only enhances the visual appeal but also facilitates a more intuitive and enjoyable user experience. The meticulous attention to detail, from the clarity of the graphics to the cohesion of the layout, reflects a profound understanding of the user’s journey, ensuring that every interaction with the platform is both engaging and satisfying. As we reflect on the multifaceted offerings of Wintips, it becomes evident that this platform is not merely a destination for online betting but a sanctuary for those who seek the exhilaration of the game, the anticipation of the bet, and the joy of victory. It is a testament to the enduring allure of betting, a celebration of the human spirit’s penchant for adventure, and a beacon for the future of online gaming. In the grand tapestry of online betting, Wintips emerges as a vibrant thread, weaving together the essence of competition, the thrill of the gamble, and the unyielding spirit of camaraderie among bettors. Let the games begin, and may the odds be ever in your favor.
    Apr 11, 2024 9
  • 05 Apr 2024
    In recent times, the online betting market has garnered significant attention from sports betting enthusiasts. This increased interest has led to a diverse range of betting odds being offered by bookmakers to cater to players' preferences. In this article, bet win tips will introduce you to how you can effectively participate in European football betting to achieve significant wins. European Football Betting: What Is It? For those passionate about sports betting, the concept of European football betting is likely familiar. It involves betting on three outcomes: the home team winning, the away team winning, or a draw. These betting odds provided by bookmakers allow players to make predictions based on their analysis. European Football Betting at QH88 While it's easy to start betting, making accurate choices requires players to apply appropriate analysis and predictions. Why Is European Football Betting Attractive to Many? There are several reasons why European football betting is currently appealing to many players, stemming from its simplicity in choosing betting options. Additionally, users can participate in betting on sports bookmaker and take advantage of attractive odds. In this article, we'll provide the most detailed answers to why this type of betting is gaining traction: Easy to understand odds With only three betting options, European football betting is straightforward. Even beginners can easily participate in betting with these bookmaker odds. However, it's essential for players to have accurate analysis and predictions. Available for most matches and tournaments For European football betting, players can easily bet on almost any match or tournament. One of the significant advantages of online platforms is their selection of reputable tournaments. Large player base It's evident that European football betting at online bookmakers attracts a large number of participants. Because choosing to bet on this form is much simpler than Asian handicap betting. Highly appealing payout rates Last but not least, players can expect attractive payout rates from European football betting. Most platforms offer lucrative multiplier rates, so it's crucial to research thoroughly before making a choice. A Beginner's Guide to Reading European Football Betting Odds Accurately To help beginners understand these odds and quickly start betting anywhere, we'll provide the most accurate guide to reading European football betting odds. This common method of interpretation is widely applied by bettors, ensuring high reference value. For these odds, the most important thing is to understand the three essential betting options, also known as 1X2: 1: Players bet when predicting the home team will win. X: Players bet when predicting a draw between the two teams. 2: Players bet when predicting the away team will win. Strategies for Successful European Football Betting Once you've chosen to participate in European football betting, let's explore some effective strategies and tips gathered and summarized in this article: Seek and analyze data Currently, many websites provide sports news and data statistics. These are accurate sources for players to understand and analyze betting odds, leading to significant wins. Choose reputable prediction websites There are many prediction websites available, but to filter out truly useful information and provide players with benefits and safety, you should choose reputable forums. There, experienced bettors are ready to update and share insights with you. Expanding on the importance of limiting emotional involvement in football betting, particularly in European football betting, is crucial for maintaining a strategic approach and making rational decisions. Emotional attachment to the outcome of bets can cloud judgment and lead to impulsive decisions, which often result in losses. When players become emotionally invested in the outcome of a match, they may ignore critical factors such as team form, player injuries, or tactical considerations. Instead, they may base their bets solely on their allegiance to a particular team or their desire to win big, regardless of the odds. Moreover, emotional involvement can lead to chasing losses, where players attempt to recoup previous losses by placing larger bets or betting on riskier outcomes. This behavior can exacerbate losses and lead to further financial setbacks. Therefore, it's essential for players to adopt a disciplined and rational approach to European football betting. This involves setting realistic goals, adhering to a predetermined betting strategy, and maintaining a calm demeanor regardless of the outcome of individual bets. One effective strategy for limiting emotional involvement is to set strict betting limits and stick to them religiously. By allocating a specific amount of funds for betting and refraining from exceeding this limit, players can protect themselves from impulsive and emotionally-driven decisions. Additionally, players should view each bet as an investment rather than a gamble. By conducting thorough research, analyzing relevant statistics, and considering expert opinions, players can make informed betting decisions based on probability rather than emotion. Furthermore, practicing mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing or visualization can help players maintain a relaxed mindset during the betting process. By focusing on the present moment and detaching themselves from the outcome of individual bets, players can make clearer and more rational decisions. In conclusion, limiting emotional involvement is essential for success in European football betting. By adopting a disciplined approach, setting strict betting limits, and practicing mindfulness techniques, players can make informed and strategic betting decisions that maximize their chances of success while minimizing emotional biases. Conclusion: After reviewing our detailed introduction to European football betting, you should now be able to participate confidently in betting. However, it's crucial to choose reputable malaysia betting site to ensure you can receive your winning rewards.
    11 Posted by hami mami
  • In recent times, the online betting market has garnered significant attention from sports betting enthusiasts. This increased interest has led to a diverse range of betting odds being offered by bookmakers to cater to players' preferences. In this article, bet win tips will introduce you to how you can effectively participate in European football betting to achieve significant wins. European Football Betting: What Is It? For those passionate about sports betting, the concept of European football betting is likely familiar. It involves betting on three outcomes: the home team winning, the away team winning, or a draw. These betting odds provided by bookmakers allow players to make predictions based on their analysis. European Football Betting at QH88 While it's easy to start betting, making accurate choices requires players to apply appropriate analysis and predictions. Why Is European Football Betting Attractive to Many? There are several reasons why European football betting is currently appealing to many players, stemming from its simplicity in choosing betting options. Additionally, users can participate in betting on sports bookmaker and take advantage of attractive odds. In this article, we'll provide the most detailed answers to why this type of betting is gaining traction: Easy to understand odds With only three betting options, European football betting is straightforward. Even beginners can easily participate in betting with these bookmaker odds. However, it's essential for players to have accurate analysis and predictions. Available for most matches and tournaments For European football betting, players can easily bet on almost any match or tournament. One of the significant advantages of online platforms is their selection of reputable tournaments. Large player base It's evident that European football betting at online bookmakers attracts a large number of participants. Because choosing to bet on this form is much simpler than Asian handicap betting. Highly appealing payout rates Last but not least, players can expect attractive payout rates from European football betting. Most platforms offer lucrative multiplier rates, so it's crucial to research thoroughly before making a choice. A Beginner's Guide to Reading European Football Betting Odds Accurately To help beginners understand these odds and quickly start betting anywhere, we'll provide the most accurate guide to reading European football betting odds. This common method of interpretation is widely applied by bettors, ensuring high reference value. For these odds, the most important thing is to understand the three essential betting options, also known as 1X2: 1: Players bet when predicting the home team will win. X: Players bet when predicting a draw between the two teams. 2: Players bet when predicting the away team will win. Strategies for Successful European Football Betting Once you've chosen to participate in European football betting, let's explore some effective strategies and tips gathered and summarized in this article: Seek and analyze data Currently, many websites provide sports news and data statistics. These are accurate sources for players to understand and analyze betting odds, leading to significant wins. Choose reputable prediction websites There are many prediction websites available, but to filter out truly useful information and provide players with benefits and safety, you should choose reputable forums. There, experienced bettors are ready to update and share insights with you. Expanding on the importance of limiting emotional involvement in football betting, particularly in European football betting, is crucial for maintaining a strategic approach and making rational decisions. Emotional attachment to the outcome of bets can cloud judgment and lead to impulsive decisions, which often result in losses. When players become emotionally invested in the outcome of a match, they may ignore critical factors such as team form, player injuries, or tactical considerations. Instead, they may base their bets solely on their allegiance to a particular team or their desire to win big, regardless of the odds. Moreover, emotional involvement can lead to chasing losses, where players attempt to recoup previous losses by placing larger bets or betting on riskier outcomes. This behavior can exacerbate losses and lead to further financial setbacks. Therefore, it's essential for players to adopt a disciplined and rational approach to European football betting. This involves setting realistic goals, adhering to a predetermined betting strategy, and maintaining a calm demeanor regardless of the outcome of individual bets. One effective strategy for limiting emotional involvement is to set strict betting limits and stick to them religiously. By allocating a specific amount of funds for betting and refraining from exceeding this limit, players can protect themselves from impulsive and emotionally-driven decisions. Additionally, players should view each bet as an investment rather than a gamble. By conducting thorough research, analyzing relevant statistics, and considering expert opinions, players can make informed betting decisions based on probability rather than emotion. Furthermore, practicing mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing or visualization can help players maintain a relaxed mindset during the betting process. By focusing on the present moment and detaching themselves from the outcome of individual bets, players can make clearer and more rational decisions. In conclusion, limiting emotional involvement is essential for success in European football betting. By adopting a disciplined approach, setting strict betting limits, and practicing mindfulness techniques, players can make informed and strategic betting decisions that maximize their chances of success while minimizing emotional biases. Conclusion: After reviewing our detailed introduction to European football betting, you should now be able to participate confidently in betting. However, it's crucial to choose reputable malaysia betting site to ensure you can receive your winning rewards.
    Apr 05, 2024 11
  • 05 Apr 2024
    Playing Online Casinos in Australia: Everything You Need to Know The betting site aus in Australia encompasses online sports betting, online casino games, offline betting, and gambling games. The statistics mentioned above provide an overview of the entire gambling industry. In 2011, the rate of online casino gambling increased from 1% to 8%, and to this day, this rate is alarmingly rising. Due to the Australians' love for gambling, their government has been regulating their gambling habits since the beginning. Currently, Australia's gambling industry is regulated by the overall Commonwealth. Its parts are regulated by states and territories, including the Australian Capital Territory's Gambling and Racing Commission, South Australia's Independent Gambling Authority, and New South Wales' Office of Liquor, Gaming, and Racing. In addition to these institutions, the Northern Territory Licensing Commission and Victoria's Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation are also included. The Rise of Online Gambling in Australia The early 1900s witnessed the surge of online gambling in Australia, prompting their government to devise ways to tax online gambling websites to generate revenue. Initially, the Australian Commonwealth Parliament attempted to restrict the interaction of online websites with Australian players by passing the Interactive Gambling Act of 2001. However, this strategy failed as Australians' love for online gambling continued to grow unabated, and international online casinos found their way into their homes. Therefore, in 2017, the Australian government amended the Interactive Gambling Act of 2001 to allow online gambling websites to operate after obtaining a license. The amendments also included allowing more options for players to opt out of online casino games whenever they want and ways to prevent gambling addiction. Over time, online casino games have become quite popular in Australia. Online casinos offer slot machines, poker, video poker, and all kinds of casino games that can be easily played from anywhere. Best Online Casinos in Australia The Australian online casino gaming market has become saturated, but players need to know which online casinos they can and cannot trust with their money. Here is a list of the top online casinos in Australia. This list is based on attributes such as promotions and bonuses, friendly and accessible customer support, a wide range of games offered, entertainment, compatibility with all devices and software, and the safety of currency transactions. All of these casinos offer live dealer games, poker, blackjack, roulette, baccarat, craps, keno, bingo, pai gow poker, let it ride, and three-card poker. Additionally, all of these best bookmaker are easily accessible on mobile devices and desktop/laptop computers. Another reason why these top 5 websites stand out compared to the rest of the online gambling websites is that they have minimum deposit thresholds and allow players to gamble with a small deposit of just $10. Since real money is involved in Australian online casinos, secure financial transactions are a major concern. The websites listed above provide secure currency transactions and easy withdrawal options. Their financial matters are resolved with the cooperation of companies such as Visa, MasterCard, Skrill, Bitcoin, and Neteller, all of which support their payment methods, thus giving players the confidence to engage in the interactive gambling world without hesitation. Online Casinos to Beware of Just as a list of the best interactive gambling websites has been compiled, similarly, some of the worst gambling bookmaker free bets no deposit are also listed here. They include Lake Palace, Vernons Casino, and Orange Gamez. These websites have been blacklisted due to their scam rates and unfair casino gambling rules. Their payout rates are nowhere near standard, and they are simply fraudulent. These websites do not provide real-time support for new gamblers and lure them into their traps by making people post fake reviews about them. Impact of Online Gambling on Australians While the online gambling industry is booming in Australia on one hand, on the other hand, it is negatively impacting the lives of the public. Despite all the efforts of the Australian government to prevent gambling addiction, Australian adults are falling into the endless cycle of interactive gambling, resulting in the detrimental effects on their social lives. From mood disorders to stress, anger, and irritability, all of these are gradually becoming stable in the lives of Australian adult gamblers. These websites contain resources and provide support for those seeking help to quit gambling addiction. These websites and helplines can also be accessed by family members or friends of the gamblers in case they want to report the gambler's issues. Conclusion An overview of Australia's gambling industry and its statistics show the reality that Australians not only have access to local gambling websites but also international online casinos. While the Australian government is making every effort to regulate the gambling industry and save their people from gambling addiction, the truth is that online gambling is negatively affecting the minds and behaviors of Australian youth. According to statistics, Australians lose nearly $25 billion annually to their gambling, which is a staggering amount. Although the top gambling websites listed here are the best in treating everyone fairly and supportive behavior, much more needs to be done to curb the online gambling frenzy.
    12 Posted by nguyencuong070421
  • Playing Online Casinos in Australia: Everything You Need to Know The betting site aus in Australia encompasses online sports betting, online casino games, offline betting, and gambling games. The statistics mentioned above provide an overview of the entire gambling industry. In 2011, the rate of online casino gambling increased from 1% to 8%, and to this day, this rate is alarmingly rising. Due to the Australians' love for gambling, their government has been regulating their gambling habits since the beginning. Currently, Australia's gambling industry is regulated by the overall Commonwealth. Its parts are regulated by states and territories, including the Australian Capital Territory's Gambling and Racing Commission, South Australia's Independent Gambling Authority, and New South Wales' Office of Liquor, Gaming, and Racing. In addition to these institutions, the Northern Territory Licensing Commission and Victoria's Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation are also included. The Rise of Online Gambling in Australia The early 1900s witnessed the surge of online gambling in Australia, prompting their government to devise ways to tax online gambling websites to generate revenue. Initially, the Australian Commonwealth Parliament attempted to restrict the interaction of online websites with Australian players by passing the Interactive Gambling Act of 2001. However, this strategy failed as Australians' love for online gambling continued to grow unabated, and international online casinos found their way into their homes. Therefore, in 2017, the Australian government amended the Interactive Gambling Act of 2001 to allow online gambling websites to operate after obtaining a license. The amendments also included allowing more options for players to opt out of online casino games whenever they want and ways to prevent gambling addiction. Over time, online casino games have become quite popular in Australia. Online casinos offer slot machines, poker, video poker, and all kinds of casino games that can be easily played from anywhere. Best Online Casinos in Australia The Australian online casino gaming market has become saturated, but players need to know which online casinos they can and cannot trust with their money. Here is a list of the top online casinos in Australia. This list is based on attributes such as promotions and bonuses, friendly and accessible customer support, a wide range of games offered, entertainment, compatibility with all devices and software, and the safety of currency transactions. All of these casinos offer live dealer games, poker, blackjack, roulette, baccarat, craps, keno, bingo, pai gow poker, let it ride, and three-card poker. Additionally, all of these best bookmaker are easily accessible on mobile devices and desktop/laptop computers. Another reason why these top 5 websites stand out compared to the rest of the online gambling websites is that they have minimum deposit thresholds and allow players to gamble with a small deposit of just $10. Since real money is involved in Australian online casinos, secure financial transactions are a major concern. The websites listed above provide secure currency transactions and easy withdrawal options. Their financial matters are resolved with the cooperation of companies such as Visa, MasterCard, Skrill, Bitcoin, and Neteller, all of which support their payment methods, thus giving players the confidence to engage in the interactive gambling world without hesitation. Online Casinos to Beware of Just as a list of the best interactive gambling websites has been compiled, similarly, some of the worst gambling bookmaker free bets no deposit are also listed here. They include Lake Palace, Vernons Casino, and Orange Gamez. These websites have been blacklisted due to their scam rates and unfair casino gambling rules. Their payout rates are nowhere near standard, and they are simply fraudulent. These websites do not provide real-time support for new gamblers and lure them into their traps by making people post fake reviews about them. Impact of Online Gambling on Australians While the online gambling industry is booming in Australia on one hand, on the other hand, it is negatively impacting the lives of the public. Despite all the efforts of the Australian government to prevent gambling addiction, Australian adults are falling into the endless cycle of interactive gambling, resulting in the detrimental effects on their social lives. From mood disorders to stress, anger, and irritability, all of these are gradually becoming stable in the lives of Australian adult gamblers. These websites contain resources and provide support for those seeking help to quit gambling addiction. These websites and helplines can also be accessed by family members or friends of the gamblers in case they want to report the gambler's issues. Conclusion An overview of Australia's gambling industry and its statistics show the reality that Australians not only have access to local gambling websites but also international online casinos. While the Australian government is making every effort to regulate the gambling industry and save their people from gambling addiction, the truth is that online gambling is negatively affecting the minds and behaviors of Australian youth. According to statistics, Australians lose nearly $25 billion annually to their gambling, which is a staggering amount. Although the top gambling websites listed here are the best in treating everyone fairly and supportive behavior, much more needs to be done to curb the online gambling frenzy.
    Apr 05, 2024 12
  • 21 Dec 2015
                  Inteliscope PRO+ Rifle Mount For Seek Thermal’s CompactXR Camera Now Shipping   Product showcases the first integration of Seek’s CompactXR thermal image camera into a night vision scope at a price point of less than $500   SANDPOINT, Idaho, December 21, 2015 – Inteliscope LLC today announced it is now shipping the patented Inteliscope PRO+ Rifle Mount for Seek Thermal’s award-winning CompactXR thermal imaging camera. Inteliscope is the first company to integrate the Compact XR into a night vision scope at a price point of $497.   “With a highly successful pre-sale campaign for the Inteliscope PRO+ Rifle Mount for Seek’s CompactXR, we could not be more pleased to bring this product to market,” said Jason Giddings, Inteliscope’s CEO. “This product is such a great example of how Inteliscope is tapping into the latest technologies to help our customer base perform better and be safer in the field.”   “We are excited to see new innovations through the use of our products and SDK starting with Inteliscope’s mounting kit,” said Tracy Benson, VP of Global Marketing for Seek Thermal. “The idea that the Inteliscope team could quickly make an accessory suitable for their customers leveraging the same smartphone CompactXR device and Seekware SDK at affordable prices is remarkable."   The $497 Inteliscope PRO+ Rifle Mount bundle provides a quality night vision experience for a fraction of the cost of stand-alone units. The Inteliscope PRO+ mounts any smartphone to the shooters rifle and the Seek XR is integrated into the PRO+ mount using a snap-in bracket with a short extending cable to the phone, providing firm support to improve accuracy and eliminate issues with high recoil. Seek’s CompactXR can detect temperatures from -40° up to 626° Fahrenheit, with the ability to detect heat up to 1,800 feet away.   About InteliScope  InteleScope LLC is a business entity established to bring to market the Inteliscope tactical firearm mount and smartphone device apps. Inteliscope products are designed and assembled in North Idaho. The Inteliscope product lines may be purchased online at or from over 600 dealers worldwide. To place an order or to learn more, go to   About Seek Thermal   Seek Thermal engineers, designs, and manufactures high quality thermal imaging products, Seekware SDK, and core platforms for consumer, commercial, and heat sensing IoT data applications. With headquarters in Santa Barbara, California, the global hub of thermal imaging innovation, the company has developed breakthrough thermal imaging camera cores that will enable a range of affordable products for use at home, work, and play. Inteliscope, the Inteliscope logo, and Inteliscope PRO+ are trademarks of Inteliscope. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
    201224 Posted by Chris Avena
  •               Inteliscope PRO+ Rifle Mount For Seek Thermal’s CompactXR Camera Now Shipping   Product showcases the first integration of Seek’s CompactXR thermal image camera into a night vision scope at a price point of less than $500   SANDPOINT, Idaho, December 21, 2015 – Inteliscope LLC today announced it is now shipping the patented Inteliscope PRO+ Rifle Mount for Seek Thermal’s award-winning CompactXR thermal imaging camera. Inteliscope is the first company to integrate the Compact XR into a night vision scope at a price point of $497.   “With a highly successful pre-sale campaign for the Inteliscope PRO+ Rifle Mount for Seek’s CompactXR, we could not be more pleased to bring this product to market,” said Jason Giddings, Inteliscope’s CEO. “This product is such a great example of how Inteliscope is tapping into the latest technologies to help our customer base perform better and be safer in the field.”   “We are excited to see new innovations through the use of our products and SDK starting with Inteliscope’s mounting kit,” said Tracy Benson, VP of Global Marketing for Seek Thermal. “The idea that the Inteliscope team could quickly make an accessory suitable for their customers leveraging the same smartphone CompactXR device and Seekware SDK at affordable prices is remarkable."   The $497 Inteliscope PRO+ Rifle Mount bundle provides a quality night vision experience for a fraction of the cost of stand-alone units. The Inteliscope PRO+ mounts any smartphone to the shooters rifle and the Seek XR is integrated into the PRO+ mount using a snap-in bracket with a short extending cable to the phone, providing firm support to improve accuracy and eliminate issues with high recoil. Seek’s CompactXR can detect temperatures from -40° up to 626° Fahrenheit, with the ability to detect heat up to 1,800 feet away.   About InteliScope  InteleScope LLC is a business entity established to bring to market the Inteliscope tactical firearm mount and smartphone device apps. Inteliscope products are designed and assembled in North Idaho. The Inteliscope product lines may be purchased online at or from over 600 dealers worldwide. To place an order or to learn more, go to   About Seek Thermal   Seek Thermal engineers, designs, and manufactures high quality thermal imaging products, Seekware SDK, and core platforms for consumer, commercial, and heat sensing IoT data applications. With headquarters in Santa Barbara, California, the global hub of thermal imaging innovation, the company has developed breakthrough thermal imaging camera cores that will enable a range of affordable products for use at home, work, and play. Inteliscope, the Inteliscope logo, and Inteliscope PRO+ are trademarks of Inteliscope. Other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
    Dec 21, 2015 201224
  • 02 Apr 2014
          Carl Zeiss Sports Optics Adds New Sunshade for Riflescopes             NORTH CHESTERFIELD, VA., (March 31 , 2014) - Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, the world's leading manufacturer of high performance sports optics is pleased to announce the new sunshade accessory designed specifically for 42mm and 50mm CONQUEST HD5 and TERRA 3x riflescopes.  These uniquely designed sunshades will help prevent stray light from entering your scope and producing flare and glare across your sight picture. Prevent a sudden flash of sunlight from ruining your hunting experience with these new ZEISS sunshades.  Just attach the shade to the end of your scope, and enjoy the clarity it brings on super sunny days.  These shades can also drastically reduce glare so sunlight can't give away your position to game animals.  ZEISS sunshades are also designed to keep dust and rain off the objective lens. Another benefit of the sunshade is that it reduces the effects of mirage caused by heat coming off the barrel when firing repeatedly. Installation of the ZEISS sunshade is simple.  It can be easily screwed into place on the objective end of the scope.   Product features: Reduces glare from sunlight Anodized to match scopes’ matte finish Length excluding the threading is 3.75 inches Improves Image Quality Blocks Peripheral Light Shields Dust/Dirt/Debris/Moisture   MSRP’s:   CONQUEST HD5 / TERRA 3x 42mm     $53.42   CONQUEST HD5  / TERRA 3x 50mm    $55.54      About Carl Zeiss Sports Optics   Carl Zeiss Sports Optics is a leading, international provider of premium sports optics and is part of the Consumer Optics Group of Carl Zeiss. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, LLC is responsible for sales, marketing and distribution of its state-of-the-art binoculars, riflescopes, rangefinders and spotting scopes throughout the United States and Canada. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics’ North American headquarters is located in North Chesterfield, VA.   About the ZEISS Group ZEISS is an internationally leading technology enterprise operating in the fields of optics and optoelectronics. The company has been contributing to technological progress for more than 160 years. Founded in 1846, the company now has its headquarters in Oberkochen in southwest Germany and has representatives in over 40 countries.
    62416 Posted by Chris Avena
  •       Carl Zeiss Sports Optics Adds New Sunshade for Riflescopes             NORTH CHESTERFIELD, VA., (March 31 , 2014) - Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, the world's leading manufacturer of high performance sports optics is pleased to announce the new sunshade accessory designed specifically for 42mm and 50mm CONQUEST HD5 and TERRA 3x riflescopes.  These uniquely designed sunshades will help prevent stray light from entering your scope and producing flare and glare across your sight picture. Prevent a sudden flash of sunlight from ruining your hunting experience with these new ZEISS sunshades.  Just attach the shade to the end of your scope, and enjoy the clarity it brings on super sunny days.  These shades can also drastically reduce glare so sunlight can't give away your position to game animals.  ZEISS sunshades are also designed to keep dust and rain off the objective lens. Another benefit of the sunshade is that it reduces the effects of mirage caused by heat coming off the barrel when firing repeatedly. Installation of the ZEISS sunshade is simple.  It can be easily screwed into place on the objective end of the scope.   Product features: Reduces glare from sunlight Anodized to match scopes’ matte finish Length excluding the threading is 3.75 inches Improves Image Quality Blocks Peripheral Light Shields Dust/Dirt/Debris/Moisture   MSRP’s:   CONQUEST HD5 / TERRA 3x 42mm     $53.42   CONQUEST HD5  / TERRA 3x 50mm    $55.54      About Carl Zeiss Sports Optics   Carl Zeiss Sports Optics is a leading, international provider of premium sports optics and is part of the Consumer Optics Group of Carl Zeiss. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, LLC is responsible for sales, marketing and distribution of its state-of-the-art binoculars, riflescopes, rangefinders and spotting scopes throughout the United States and Canada. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics’ North American headquarters is located in North Chesterfield, VA.   About the ZEISS Group ZEISS is an internationally leading technology enterprise operating in the fields of optics and optoelectronics. The company has been contributing to technological progress for more than 160 years. Founded in 1846, the company now has its headquarters in Oberkochen in southwest Germany and has representatives in over 40 countries.
    Apr 02, 2014 62416
  • 01 Jun 2014
                                         The Winds of Change By Chris Avena   Our forefathers had the vision to see far into the future to our present day America. They bestowed upon us the basic rights and freedoms as a strong foundation that our great country was built on. In present day America, it seems that our Constitutional Rights that were handed down to us over two hundred years ago are under threat of change.   In today’s America, it is politically incorrect to speak your mind in fear of offending someone. It has become a place were “Big Government” is slowly taking away our rights and freedoms that thousands of Americans fought and died to protect. The word Patriot is defined as one who loves, supports and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion. We had the pleasure of speaking to Ted Nugent. Agree or disagree with his words or beliefs, but like it or not – Ted is here to fight for your rights because he is “A Patriot”.   SeeMeHunt - Do you feel that it is detrimental that the American Media allows commentators who are non- U.S Citizens to voice a strong opinion against our Constitutional Rights – thus, Influencing the American public to believe that our Constitutional Rights are in dire need of ratification?   Ted Nugent -Ya think! With the American and global media hellbent on an America hating, freedom hating, gun hating rampage, such consistency of hate for our sacred Constitution and overall American dream of individualism and individual rights and freedoms is brainwashing an ever increasing gaggle of ignorant and weak people to fall for the Saul Alinsky/Barak Obama scam of big government socialism. That is why that same media and government goons attack me and hate me. I wear it as a badge of honor standing up for we the people principles. It is that simple.   SeeMeHunt -The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC) had listed firearm and ammunition sellers as “High Risk”. Since then, the Obama Administration has applied pressure to banking and lending institutions such as Bank of America, GE Capital and TD Bank to cut ties to gun stores and freeze assets to firearm related business. How detrimental can it be when the government can dictate to our financial institutions who they can do business with?   Ted Nugent- Tyrants, dictators, emperors, despots and gangbangers have always tripped over themselves throughout history to disarm free citizens and in every instance, it has turned out catastrophic for every society. The history of the world is rife with irrefutable evidence that the Obama government is maniacal in their "fundamental transformation" of the greatest quality of life in the history of mankind, and we the people damn well better wake up and fulfill our we the people responsibilities to pressure and direct our government employees what we expect of them. Anyone who seeks to force free people into unarmed helplessness is evil personified. Case closed.   SeeMeHunt -The New York Safe Act is the most aggressive and controversial piece of legislation on gun control to date. What is it that makes the Safe Act more about Gun Confiscation than Gun Control?   Ted Nugent - Only evil, rotten, dangerous people would claim that "shall not be infringed" means something other than the unambiguous statement it is. All laws infringing on law abiding Americans are criminal as are the creators and enforcers of such criminal laws. S   SeeMeHunt -Chicago’s Mayor Rahm Emanuel has lobbied hard to outlaw gun stores in the city of Chicago. As of now you will not find a gun stores in 99.5 percent of the city. The few stores that still remain will require a video record of all gun sales. How is this not a direct violation of our Constitutional Rights?    Ted Nugent- Rahm Emanuel is a direct violation of the US Constitution and all things holy in America. If there were truly justice in America, Rahm Emanuel, the president and his gun running attorney general Eric Holder along with Hillary Clinton and the whole America hating gang would all be arrested, tried, convicted and jailed for their clear and present danger to America. Period.   We are at a critical tipping point in our countries history. Our rights and freedmons are under attack. It is our obligation to question our elected officials and fight for what is rightfully ours before it is too late.
    35078 Posted by Chris Avena
  •                                      The Winds of Change By Chris Avena   Our forefathers had the vision to see far into the future to our present day America. They bestowed upon us the basic rights and freedoms as a strong foundation that our great country was built on. In present day America, it seems that our Constitutional Rights that were handed down to us over two hundred years ago are under threat of change.   In today’s America, it is politically incorrect to speak your mind in fear of offending someone. It has become a place were “Big Government” is slowly taking away our rights and freedoms that thousands of Americans fought and died to protect. The word Patriot is defined as one who loves, supports and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion. We had the pleasure of speaking to Ted Nugent. Agree or disagree with his words or beliefs, but like it or not – Ted is here to fight for your rights because he is “A Patriot”.   SeeMeHunt - Do you feel that it is detrimental that the American Media allows commentators who are non- U.S Citizens to voice a strong opinion against our Constitutional Rights – thus, Influencing the American public to believe that our Constitutional Rights are in dire need of ratification?   Ted Nugent -Ya think! With the American and global media hellbent on an America hating, freedom hating, gun hating rampage, such consistency of hate for our sacred Constitution and overall American dream of individualism and individual rights and freedoms is brainwashing an ever increasing gaggle of ignorant and weak people to fall for the Saul Alinsky/Barak Obama scam of big government socialism. That is why that same media and government goons attack me and hate me. I wear it as a badge of honor standing up for we the people principles. It is that simple.   SeeMeHunt -The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp (FDIC) had listed firearm and ammunition sellers as “High Risk”. Since then, the Obama Administration has applied pressure to banking and lending institutions such as Bank of America, GE Capital and TD Bank to cut ties to gun stores and freeze assets to firearm related business. How detrimental can it be when the government can dictate to our financial institutions who they can do business with?   Ted Nugent- Tyrants, dictators, emperors, despots and gangbangers have always tripped over themselves throughout history to disarm free citizens and in every instance, it has turned out catastrophic for every society. The history of the world is rife with irrefutable evidence that the Obama government is maniacal in their "fundamental transformation" of the greatest quality of life in the history of mankind, and we the people damn well better wake up and fulfill our we the people responsibilities to pressure and direct our government employees what we expect of them. Anyone who seeks to force free people into unarmed helplessness is evil personified. Case closed.   SeeMeHunt -The New York Safe Act is the most aggressive and controversial piece of legislation on gun control to date. What is it that makes the Safe Act more about Gun Confiscation than Gun Control?   Ted Nugent - Only evil, rotten, dangerous people would claim that "shall not be infringed" means something other than the unambiguous statement it is. All laws infringing on law abiding Americans are criminal as are the creators and enforcers of such criminal laws. S   SeeMeHunt -Chicago’s Mayor Rahm Emanuel has lobbied hard to outlaw gun stores in the city of Chicago. As of now you will not find a gun stores in 99.5 percent of the city. The few stores that still remain will require a video record of all gun sales. How is this not a direct violation of our Constitutional Rights?    Ted Nugent- Rahm Emanuel is a direct violation of the US Constitution and all things holy in America. If there were truly justice in America, Rahm Emanuel, the president and his gun running attorney general Eric Holder along with Hillary Clinton and the whole America hating gang would all be arrested, tried, convicted and jailed for their clear and present danger to America. Period.   We are at a critical tipping point in our countries history. Our rights and freedmons are under attack. It is our obligation to question our elected officials and fight for what is rightfully ours before it is too late.
    Jun 01, 2014 35078
  • 20 Jan 2014
        To: ALL MEDIAFor immediate release January 15, 2014 For more information contact: Bill Brassard Jr.203-426-1320 New York Benefits from Spending by Target Shooters   Read the Report View/Download as PDF   View INFOGRAPHIC LAS VEGAS, Nev. -- The National Shooting Sports Foundation has released a major new report about the importance of target shooting activities to the economies of New York and the nation. NSSF is the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry. The report, Target Shooting in America: Millions of Shooters, Billions of Dollars, was released today in conjunction with a press conference at the Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show), the largest trade show of its kind in the world and a showcase for the firearms and ammunition industry. The report provides a first-ever look at U.S. target shooting-related expenditures. Also included are state-by-state statistics for the number of target shooters, retail sales, taxes and jobs. The target-shooting report complements the Hunting in America report released by NSSF and the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies in March 2013. In New York, target shooting-related spending contributed $817,050,105 to the state's economy and supported 6,333 jobs. Nationally, the money target shooters spent in 2011 resulted in $23 billion being added to the nation's economy and supported more than 185,000 jobs. "More people target shooting is good news for the industry, and it is equally good news for America’s economy," said NSSF President and CEO Steve Sanetti. Retail sales related to target shooting account for nearly $10 billion, with rifle and handgun shooting being the leading contributors, followed by shotgun and muzzleloader shooting. California and Texas are the top two states ranked by retail sales. Combining data from Target Shooting in America and Hunting in America shows that target shooters and hunters together poured more than $110 billion into the nation’s economy, fueling more than 866,000 jobs. “Communities and businesses of all sizes benefit from these activities,” said Sanetti. Target shooters ($8.2 billion) and hunters ($8.4 billion) spend nearly equal amounts on equipment common to both pursuits, such as firearms, ammunition and accessories. Hunters spend more overall than target shooters when factors such as fuel, food, lodging and transportation are included. “The Target Shooting in America and Hunting in America reports give us a more complete understanding of the economic importance of the shooting sports to America,” said Sanetti. “We’ve long known about the recreational benefits of these activities, and now we know how much they contribute to our country’s financial well-being.” Read Target Shooting in America: Millions of Shooters, Billions of Dollars or view the report as a printable PDF. -30- About NSSFThe National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 10,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen's organizations and publishers. For more information, log on to  
    31642 Posted by Chris Avena
  •     To: ALL MEDIAFor immediate release January 15, 2014 For more information contact: Bill Brassard Jr.203-426-1320 New York Benefits from Spending by Target Shooters   Read the Report View/Download as PDF   View INFOGRAPHIC LAS VEGAS, Nev. -- The National Shooting Sports Foundation has released a major new report about the importance of target shooting activities to the economies of New York and the nation. NSSF is the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry. The report, Target Shooting in America: Millions of Shooters, Billions of Dollars, was released today in conjunction with a press conference at the Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show), the largest trade show of its kind in the world and a showcase for the firearms and ammunition industry. The report provides a first-ever look at U.S. target shooting-related expenditures. Also included are state-by-state statistics for the number of target shooters, retail sales, taxes and jobs. The target-shooting report complements the Hunting in America report released by NSSF and the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies in March 2013. In New York, target shooting-related spending contributed $817,050,105 to the state's economy and supported 6,333 jobs. Nationally, the money target shooters spent in 2011 resulted in $23 billion being added to the nation's economy and supported more than 185,000 jobs. "More people target shooting is good news for the industry, and it is equally good news for America’s economy," said NSSF President and CEO Steve Sanetti. Retail sales related to target shooting account for nearly $10 billion, with rifle and handgun shooting being the leading contributors, followed by shotgun and muzzleloader shooting. California and Texas are the top two states ranked by retail sales. Combining data from Target Shooting in America and Hunting in America shows that target shooters and hunters together poured more than $110 billion into the nation’s economy, fueling more than 866,000 jobs. “Communities and businesses of all sizes benefit from these activities,” said Sanetti. Target shooters ($8.2 billion) and hunters ($8.4 billion) spend nearly equal amounts on equipment common to both pursuits, such as firearms, ammunition and accessories. Hunters spend more overall than target shooters when factors such as fuel, food, lodging and transportation are included. “The Target Shooting in America and Hunting in America reports give us a more complete understanding of the economic importance of the shooting sports to America,” said Sanetti. “We’ve long known about the recreational benefits of these activities, and now we know how much they contribute to our country’s financial well-being.” Read Target Shooting in America: Millions of Shooters, Billions of Dollars or view the report as a printable PDF. -30- About NSSFThe National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 10,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen's organizations and publishers. For more information, log on to  
    Jan 20, 2014 31642
  • 09 Feb 2015
    Well, I know some of you all are still under snow.....LOTS of it, but I wanted to see what you all do during the summer months, camping, family vacations, fishing planting ect.... Here in south Ga the summers can be hot and dry, but we get out by the pools, head to FL to do some fishing, but mostly we hang out and enjoy the long days and good friends.  What do you do in your neck of the woods to stay busy over the summer when the kiddos are out of school and the long winter days are passed?  
    25536 Posted by Scott Stover
  • Well, I know some of you all are still under snow.....LOTS of it, but I wanted to see what you all do during the summer months, camping, family vacations, fishing planting ect.... Here in south Ga the summers can be hot and dry, but we get out by the pools, head to FL to do some fishing, but mostly we hang out and enjoy the long days and good friends.  What do you do in your neck of the woods to stay busy over the summer when the kiddos are out of school and the long winter days are passed?  
    Feb 09, 2015 25536
  • 03 Feb 2011
    Get to know SeeMeHunt by Neil on January 25th, 2011 Posted In: SeeMeHunt, Chris Avena, SeeMeHunt Today, the Social Network is probably the most powerful tool for just about anything. Keeping in touch with friends or family, following celebrities or just another form of advertising. These such social networks are very common in the world. Pretty much, any website you visit these days has the Blue “F” icon for Facebook, or lower case “t” for Twitter prominent somewhere on the page. I’d like to mention to you about a new and upcoming social website specifically for the hunting niche. A website born last May that has steadily grown to over 1000 registered members. I recently discovered SeeMeHunt after Following this @SeeMeHunt on Twitter. Curious, I clicked on his link provided in his Tweet which brought me to a familiar looking looking web site. I could almost compare it to Facebook but for this guy looking for a new venue of sharing my hunting experiences and getting to know other hunters like me, I figured the creator was a genius! I was honestly frustrated of the same old hunting and fishing forums and jumping all over their sites reading new and different threads pertaining to different items. Here I was staring at a new site and immediately registered as a member. I really struggle to stop making the comparison to Facebook as it acts and feels a lot like it but has it own uniqueness that makes SeeMeHunt one of a kind. So I quickly began fishing around with the site and uploading my profile picture. Entered a few bits of information about myself to share with others. The basics were done. Next was interacting with the members. It became apparent who the creator was after a friendly welcome message appeared at the top of the News Feed page and shortly after a personal message welcoming me to the site and explaining a little bit about it’s purpose. We exchanged a few more messages in the next couple days. Since then, I check SeeMeHunt almost daily now.   Chris & his big boar So who was this faceless person I was chatting with? I only had a name “Chris Avena” and a distant profile picture of a guy standing behind a huge boar with his face slightly shadowed by his hat. So without further ado, here are some Q&A’s for getting to know Chris Avena – creator of  UGA: What inspired you to start a hunting related social network site?-How long has the site been up?-How long had you been “planning” a hunting social web site? C.A.: I have been hunting for 30 years. What inspired me to Start was thedesire to spend more time doing what I love. I have always loved Hunting and beingoutdoors. I had a vision of creating a place where hunters from around the world canmeet and get to know each other. I wanted SeeMeHunt to be a place where hunters couldshare their Knowledge, Friendships and Experience. I launched the site in May 2010 andI am very pleased at how well received it has been.UGA: Do you feel your page layout stands out much better than the other typical forumlayouts?- Do you feel it has its advantages or disadvantages?C.A.: When I had envisioned I really wanted something that was more interactive than the standard blog or forum format. I wanted a place where hunters can meet, socialize & get to know each other. SeeMeHunt is an ever evolving cycle. Hunters get to indulge themselves and interact with other SeeMeHunt members. There are no disadvantages when everyone is enjoying their favorite sport. This makes SeeMeHunt become an everyday adventure. UGA: Do you have web design or computer technology background? If not, What is yourbackground (work experiences)? C.A.: My time is spent on certain aspects of my website. I have a web designer who works with me but I am responsible for every aspect of SeeMeHunt. UGA: What are some of your most memorable hunting experiences? C.A.: I would have to say that this past October during bow season when I came face to face with a big 350lb black bear at 30 yards was something that I will never forget. It was just about dusk & I was waiting to meet up with my hunting partner Bill and I see this flash of black about 100 yards off. I looked again and I see this black bear heading in my direction. I was on the other side of the stream sitting in a natural ground blind. The Bear seemed to be walking at a normal pace looking for a place to cross the stream. The bear appeared to have a big gate & was closing ground pretty fast. I had an arrow knocked but I couldn’t draw. It kept looking in my direction. It seemed like the closer this bear got to me, the bigger it got. Finally it stopped about 30 yards away. It found the place where he was going to cross the stream. All he had to do was walk five steps down the embankment and I would be sitting on a nice bear rug while I was writing this story. His nose went up testing the wind. I knew that I was busted. Suddenly, he looks right in my eyes! I was perfectly still. Focused on a potential shot staring into his black piercing eyes, both, waiting for the other to flinch. Then he put his head down, which is an aggressive posture. He was testing me but I didn’t move and I didn’t give ground. I knew at that point that either he was going to charge or he was going to retreat. I didn’t even have a chest shot at this point but I was still focused on getting one. Then, just like that, he turned and walked away. As I watched him walking away I realized that I was not nervous or scared about being that close to this potentially dangerous animal and that scared me. That observation is just something that stands out in my mind. UGA: Have you traveled to any foreign countries to hunt? (If not countries, any other states)- If so, what did you hunt? C.A.: To date, I have not, however I have traveled extensively out side the U.S. but not to hunt. This year I do have a September bow hunting trip for deer in Kentucky and a bear hunting trip in Maine. I do have a several trips envisioned. Those trips would be part pleasure, part business.UGA: You recently went to the SHOT Show in Las Vegas. Can you explain what that is?- Had you been to Vegas before?     Chris with Lee & Tiffany C.A.: Yes, although I have been to Vegas several times in the past, this was my first Shot Show. The Shot Show is a trade show for the Outdoor Industry where all of the manufacturers showcase all of their latest products. The Shot Show exceeded all of my expectations. I saw everything from the latest rifles and hand guns by Thompson, CVA, Browning to the latest Tree Stands by Ameristep, The New Diesel UTV by Badboy Buggies, The latest Yamaha Grizzlie and the latest by C‘mere Deer, Mossey Oak, Wild Game Innovations, Primos and more. There were celebrity hunters there as well. I had the opportunity to meet Jim Shockey and his daughter Eva, Lee & Tiffany and a few others.   Chris & Jim Shocky They were all warm and friendly people. The whole scene was pretty overwhelming at first but you get into the swing of it pretty quickly. UGA:  Did you go for pleasure or business? C.A.: I did go to promote but although I was there for business, it really was a pleasure being there. Do we really consider it work when you really love what you do? I am very passionate about making the largest Social Network for Hunting and Fishing very soon. UGA: In your opinion, who had some of the best booths there? C.A.: Every company brought something unique to the show. To me, it seemed like the larger the manufacturer, the more detailed and elaborate the displays were. Sure I have my favorites but some things are better left unsaid.   UGA: Is there anything new coming out that is note worthy?   Jim's Daughter Eva Shocky & Chris C.A.: Thompson came out with the New Venture rifle that is in various calibers. It is just a beautiful Rifle. CVA also came out with some new models. Ameristep has the new Bone Collector line of Tree Stands with the sling back seats – very cool. There is a new wind direction detector by Firefly, Oilfield Camo, The new slimed down Thermacell with their new holster that you can clip to your day pack. From the moment you walk through the doors to the show you feel like you are in a hunter’s paradise. UGA: What is your hunting preference (Bow, Rifle, Shotgun, other?) C.A.: I had always been a rifle hunter. Over the past few years I have started bow hunting and I absolutely love it. I regret waiting so long to start bow hunting because now I am hooked on it. This past season I started hunting Black Powder as well. With each season that presents that perfect shooting opportunity – That is my favorite. UGA: Being from NY, do you have a lot of access to hunting land? Is it Private or State land? C.A.: Honestly, I think that I have hunted everywhere there is to hunt in New York. There is plenty of state land to hunt but I have always tried to stay on private land. I just felt more comfortable…..and safer. UGA: Do you have any trophies on the wall? Chris @ SHOT Show C.A.: Yes but do we ever have enough of them? UGA: Besides your own web site, where else can your members follow you on the internet? C.A.: I am on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Digg all under SeeMeHunt. UGA: In closing, what else do you feel we should know about you or your web site? C.A.: is open to anyone worldwide. I am especially fond of the diversity of cultures that it has brought together, sharing not only their hunting stories and experiences but sharing their lives as well. is expanding into other areas. Our store will be expanding its product line. We are working on a New SeeMeHunt Spice Rub. We have New Sponsors that will be coming aboard as well. We will be planning a few Discounted Hunts for SeeMeHunt Members. Being a new site, we have a lot of plans ahead of us. I personally enjoy target shooting with a bow, rifle or muzzle loader. I like to try out new weapons and evaluate the performance of them. I am always trying to expand my knowledge of the industry and I enjoy reading about it, watching something about it on one of the hunting channels. I also like to cook and try out new game recipes. I enjoy trying new types of food. I just had some alligator last week. No – It didn’t taste like chicken. It was good though. My favorites are duck and rabbit but I will try just about any type of food once. You never know what you will enjoy unless you try it. I want to Thank You Chris for taking the time to answer my questions. I hope after reading this you will go and check his site out and join myself and the other 1000+ members. We’d love to hear from you and share our experiences with you there!
    24488 Posted by Chris Avena
  • Get to know SeeMeHunt by Neil on January 25th, 2011 Posted In: SeeMeHunt, Chris Avena, SeeMeHunt Today, the Social Network is probably the most powerful tool for just about anything. Keeping in touch with friends or family, following celebrities or just another form of advertising. These such social networks are very common in the world. Pretty much, any website you visit these days has the Blue “F” icon for Facebook, or lower case “t” for Twitter prominent somewhere on the page. I’d like to mention to you about a new and upcoming social website specifically for the hunting niche. A website born last May that has steadily grown to over 1000 registered members. I recently discovered SeeMeHunt after Following this @SeeMeHunt on Twitter. Curious, I clicked on his link provided in his Tweet which brought me to a familiar looking looking web site. I could almost compare it to Facebook but for this guy looking for a new venue of sharing my hunting experiences and getting to know other hunters like me, I figured the creator was a genius! I was honestly frustrated of the same old hunting and fishing forums and jumping all over their sites reading new and different threads pertaining to different items. Here I was staring at a new site and immediately registered as a member. I really struggle to stop making the comparison to Facebook as it acts and feels a lot like it but has it own uniqueness that makes SeeMeHunt one of a kind. So I quickly began fishing around with the site and uploading my profile picture. Entered a few bits of information about myself to share with others. The basics were done. Next was interacting with the members. It became apparent who the creator was after a friendly welcome message appeared at the top of the News Feed page and shortly after a personal message welcoming me to the site and explaining a little bit about it’s purpose. We exchanged a few more messages in the next couple days. Since then, I check SeeMeHunt almost daily now.   Chris & his big boar So who was this faceless person I was chatting with? I only had a name “Chris Avena” and a distant profile picture of a guy standing behind a huge boar with his face slightly shadowed by his hat. So without further ado, here are some Q&A’s for getting to know Chris Avena – creator of  UGA: What inspired you to start a hunting related social network site?-How long has the site been up?-How long had you been “planning” a hunting social web site? C.A.: I have been hunting for 30 years. What inspired me to Start was thedesire to spend more time doing what I love. I have always loved Hunting and beingoutdoors. I had a vision of creating a place where hunters from around the world canmeet and get to know each other. I wanted SeeMeHunt to be a place where hunters couldshare their Knowledge, Friendships and Experience. I launched the site in May 2010 andI am very pleased at how well received it has been.UGA: Do you feel your page layout stands out much better than the other typical forumlayouts?- Do you feel it has its advantages or disadvantages?C.A.: When I had envisioned I really wanted something that was more interactive than the standard blog or forum format. I wanted a place where hunters can meet, socialize & get to know each other. SeeMeHunt is an ever evolving cycle. Hunters get to indulge themselves and interact with other SeeMeHunt members. There are no disadvantages when everyone is enjoying their favorite sport. This makes SeeMeHunt become an everyday adventure. UGA: Do you have web design or computer technology background? If not, What is yourbackground (work experiences)? C.A.: My time is spent on certain aspects of my website. I have a web designer who works with me but I am responsible for every aspect of SeeMeHunt. UGA: What are some of your most memorable hunting experiences? C.A.: I would have to say that this past October during bow season when I came face to face with a big 350lb black bear at 30 yards was something that I will never forget. It was just about dusk & I was waiting to meet up with my hunting partner Bill and I see this flash of black about 100 yards off. I looked again and I see this black bear heading in my direction. I was on the other side of the stream sitting in a natural ground blind. The Bear seemed to be walking at a normal pace looking for a place to cross the stream. The bear appeared to have a big gate & was closing ground pretty fast. I had an arrow knocked but I couldn’t draw. It kept looking in my direction. It seemed like the closer this bear got to me, the bigger it got. Finally it stopped about 30 yards away. It found the place where he was going to cross the stream. All he had to do was walk five steps down the embankment and I would be sitting on a nice bear rug while I was writing this story. His nose went up testing the wind. I knew that I was busted. Suddenly, he looks right in my eyes! I was perfectly still. Focused on a potential shot staring into his black piercing eyes, both, waiting for the other to flinch. Then he put his head down, which is an aggressive posture. He was testing me but I didn’t move and I didn’t give ground. I knew at that point that either he was going to charge or he was going to retreat. I didn’t even have a chest shot at this point but I was still focused on getting one. Then, just like that, he turned and walked away. As I watched him walking away I realized that I was not nervous or scared about being that close to this potentially dangerous animal and that scared me. That observation is just something that stands out in my mind. UGA: Have you traveled to any foreign countries to hunt? (If not countries, any other states)- If so, what did you hunt? C.A.: To date, I have not, however I have traveled extensively out side the U.S. but not to hunt. This year I do have a September bow hunting trip for deer in Kentucky and a bear hunting trip in Maine. I do have a several trips envisioned. Those trips would be part pleasure, part business.UGA: You recently went to the SHOT Show in Las Vegas. Can you explain what that is?- Had you been to Vegas before?     Chris with Lee & Tiffany C.A.: Yes, although I have been to Vegas several times in the past, this was my first Shot Show. The Shot Show is a trade show for the Outdoor Industry where all of the manufacturers showcase all of their latest products. The Shot Show exceeded all of my expectations. I saw everything from the latest rifles and hand guns by Thompson, CVA, Browning to the latest Tree Stands by Ameristep, The New Diesel UTV by Badboy Buggies, The latest Yamaha Grizzlie and the latest by C‘mere Deer, Mossey Oak, Wild Game Innovations, Primos and more. There were celebrity hunters there as well. I had the opportunity to meet Jim Shockey and his daughter Eva, Lee & Tiffany and a few others.   Chris & Jim Shocky They were all warm and friendly people. The whole scene was pretty overwhelming at first but you get into the swing of it pretty quickly. UGA:  Did you go for pleasure or business? C.A.: I did go to promote but although I was there for business, it really was a pleasure being there. Do we really consider it work when you really love what you do? I am very passionate about making the largest Social Network for Hunting and Fishing very soon. UGA: In your opinion, who had some of the best booths there? C.A.: Every company brought something unique to the show. To me, it seemed like the larger the manufacturer, the more detailed and elaborate the displays were. Sure I have my favorites but some things are better left unsaid.   UGA: Is there anything new coming out that is note worthy?   Jim's Daughter Eva Shocky & Chris C.A.: Thompson came out with the New Venture rifle that is in various calibers. It is just a beautiful Rifle. CVA also came out with some new models. Ameristep has the new Bone Collector line of Tree Stands with the sling back seats – very cool. There is a new wind direction detector by Firefly, Oilfield Camo, The new slimed down Thermacell with their new holster that you can clip to your day pack. From the moment you walk through the doors to the show you feel like you are in a hunter’s paradise. UGA: What is your hunting preference (Bow, Rifle, Shotgun, other?) C.A.: I had always been a rifle hunter. Over the past few years I have started bow hunting and I absolutely love it. I regret waiting so long to start bow hunting because now I am hooked on it. This past season I started hunting Black Powder as well. With each season that presents that perfect shooting opportunity – That is my favorite. UGA: Being from NY, do you have a lot of access to hunting land? Is it Private or State land? C.A.: Honestly, I think that I have hunted everywhere there is to hunt in New York. There is plenty of state land to hunt but I have always tried to stay on private land. I just felt more comfortable…..and safer. UGA: Do you have any trophies on the wall? Chris @ SHOT Show C.A.: Yes but do we ever have enough of them? UGA: Besides your own web site, where else can your members follow you on the internet? C.A.: I am on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Digg all under SeeMeHunt. UGA: In closing, what else do you feel we should know about you or your web site? C.A.: is open to anyone worldwide. I am especially fond of the diversity of cultures that it has brought together, sharing not only their hunting stories and experiences but sharing their lives as well. is expanding into other areas. Our store will be expanding its product line. We are working on a New SeeMeHunt Spice Rub. We have New Sponsors that will be coming aboard as well. We will be planning a few Discounted Hunts for SeeMeHunt Members. Being a new site, we have a lot of plans ahead of us. I personally enjoy target shooting with a bow, rifle or muzzle loader. I like to try out new weapons and evaluate the performance of them. I am always trying to expand my knowledge of the industry and I enjoy reading about it, watching something about it on one of the hunting channels. I also like to cook and try out new game recipes. I enjoy trying new types of food. I just had some alligator last week. No – It didn’t taste like chicken. It was good though. My favorites are duck and rabbit but I will try just about any type of food once. You never know what you will enjoy unless you try it. I want to Thank You Chris for taking the time to answer my questions. I hope after reading this you will go and check his site out and join myself and the other 1000+ members. We’d love to hear from you and share our experiences with you there!
    Feb 03, 2011 24488