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wadewillems 's Entries

1 blog
  • 27 Jan 2011
    Hello Everyone,   My name is Wade and I am writing today to tell you about Racks & Tails Magazine!  Racks & Tails is a new quarterly publication written by Hunters for Hunters.  The Magazine has a 75% article to 25% advertisement ratio, meaning that you will always get lots of Great Information and see lots of Great Pictures, taken by average everyday hunters of  their harvested animals. I am hoping that you will find this Magazine interesting and be willing to give it a try!    I am trying to become a Gear Tester for the Magazine and as part of my contract I need to bring 100 + new subscribers to the Magazine.  Now, I really am an avid hunter, but my list of hunters that I personally know totals three, myself and my two hunting buddies.  So I am here today to ask you to check out the Magazine and if you like it, give it a try.  I ask that if you do decide to subscribe to Racks & Tails that you enter ABWW into the referral code section of the subscription page.  Buy doing so you will be helping me and you, as I will be open to any suggestions for Gear Testing and will respond to any questions that you may have.  Please follow the following Links to Racks & Tails Facebook Page and to the Subscription Page.     Thanks,   Wade
    735 Posted by wadewillems
  • Hello Everyone,   My name is Wade and I am writing today to tell you about Racks & Tails Magazine!  Racks & Tails is a new quarterly publication written by Hunters for Hunters.  The Magazine has a 75% article to 25% advertisement ratio, meaning that you will always get lots of Great Information and see lots of Great Pictures, taken by average everyday hunters of  their harvested animals. I am hoping that you will find this Magazine interesting and be willing to give it a try!    I am trying to become a Gear Tester for the Magazine and as part of my contract I need to bring 100 + new subscribers to the Magazine.  Now, I really am an avid hunter, but my list of hunters that I personally know totals three, myself and my two hunting buddies.  So I am here today to ask you to check out the Magazine and if you like it, give it a try.  I ask that if you do decide to subscribe to Racks & Tails that you enter ABWW into the referral code section of the subscription page.  Buy doing so you will be helping me and you, as I will be open to any suggestions for Gear Testing and will respond to any questions that you may have.  Please follow the following Links to Racks & Tails Facebook Page and to the Subscription Page.     Thanks,   Wade
    Jan 27, 2011 735