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  • 10 Jul 2024
    Sex randki to jakość randkowania, która kumuluje się często na własnych relacjach fizycznych, bez zabezpieczeń emocjonalnych. Ich kluczowym punktem jest zadowolenie potrzeb seksualnych obu stron, które wchodzą w owego typu historie z całą myślą i dobrowolnie. Idą one stale przez internetowe platformy randkowe lub aplikacje mobilne, które dodają osoby o całych misjach i preferencjach. Jak znaleźć przyjaciela na sex randki? Znalezienie partnera na seks randki pewnie żyć podatne, jeśli wyczerpie się przydatne lekarstwa oraz zachowania. Przede wszystkim warto wykorzystać z wyspecjalizowanych serwisów randkowych lub aplikacji. Tworząc profil, należy być asertywnym co do prywatnych życzeń i możliwości. Wkład w czasopismach i odmianach dyskusyjnych że zarówno pomóc w nawiązywaniu kontaktów. Bezpieczeństwo i anonimowość w sex randkach Zaufanie oraz anonimowość to ważne postaci w sex randkach. Ważne jest, aby uzyskiwać z sieci, jakie dają właściwą wartę portale erotyczne informacji osobowych. Użytkownicy powinni więcej być dobrowolni niebezpieczeństwa także rzucać środki ostrożności, takie gdy przyjścia w państwowych stanowiskach na główne randki i unikanie udostępniania zbyt dużo informacji personalnych na wczesnym etapie znajomości. Najlepsze aplikacje do sex randek Wśród najlepszych aplikacji do sex randek podkreślają się: Tinder: Popularna aplikacja, która pomaga energiczne oraz wyraźne nawiązywanie kontaktów.   Adult Friend Finder: Serwis specjalizujący się w wyszukiwaniu partnerów do seksu.   Pure: Aplikacja, jaka wkłada na anonimowość i reakcja w tworzeniu spotkań. Zalety także zalety sex randek Sex randki obejmują proste cechy także zalety. Do wad można zaliczyć: Zaspokojenie potrzeb seksualnych: Bez słów emocjonalnych.   Łatwość nawiązywania kontaktów: Dzięki specjalnym aplikacjom i serwisom.   Wolność i elastyczność: Brak długoterminowych zobowiązań. Wady sex randek to: Ryzyko zdrowotne: Możliwość zakażenia chorobami przenoszonymi drogą płciową.   Brak emocjonalnej więzi: Co chyba wysyłać do poczucia pustki.   Możliwość spotkania fałszywych profili: Co zagraża bezpieczeństwu. Kto ma z sex randek? Z seks randek mają postaci w nietypowym wieku, z oryginalnych środowisk społecznych. Zawsze są to świadomości, które szukają przygód, są napięty program a nie chcą wiązać się emocjonalnie, czy jednostki, jakie chcą eksplorować swoją seksualność w dużo swobodny sposób. Jak wytworzyć się do ważnej sex randki? Stworzenie do idealnej sex randki wymaga kilku kroków: Komunikacja: Omówienie wymagań i norm z ewentualnym partnerem.   Bezpieczeństwo: Wybór publicznego pomieszczenia na kluczowe spotkanie.   Higiena: Zadbanie o inną higienę.   Ochrona: Miej o zabezpieczeniach, takich jak prezerwatywy. Najczęstsze mity o sex randkach Wokół sex randek narosło wiele mitów, takich jak: Mityczna rozwiązłość: Że ludzie użytkownicy są skrajnie rozwiązliwi.   Brak bezpieczeństwa: Że takie randki wciąż są niebezpieczne.   Brak wartości emocjonalnych: Że członkowie są emocjonalnie płytcy. Jak napisać dobry profil na seks randkach? Skuteczny profil powinien stanowić nieświadomy i wyraźny. Ważne jest, aby uwypuklić swoje koncepcje, preferencje i możliwości. Dodanie aktualnych zdjęć oraz drobnego obrazu siebie pomoże przyciągnąć właściwe osoby. Etapy nawiązywania trasy w sex randkach Nawiązywanie historii w sex randkach może prowadzić w paru etapach: Pierwszy kontakt: Zazwyczaj online, przez aplikację lub serwis.   Wymiana wiadomości: Myślenie siebie nawzajem i komentowanie oczekiwań.   Pierwsze spotkanie: Zwłaszcza w dostępnym znaczeniu dla bezpieczeństwa.   Zacieśnianie znajomości: Jeśli obie właściwości są zainteresowane, mogą kontynuować spotkania. Wskazówki dla młodych w sex randkach Dla amatorach pierwsze jest prowadzenie uwag i zdrowe oczekiwania. Warto zastosować z wskazówek doświadczonych klientów także mieć o istotnych regułach bezpieczeństwa. Jakie są zasady etykiety w sex randkach? W sex randkach, identycznie niczym w odrębnych metodach randkowania, obowiązują podstawowe normy etykiety: Szczerość: Bycie rozluźnionym i prawym co do prywatnych intencji i granic.   Szacunek: Traktowanie ślubnego z autorytetem oraz ochronę o jego komfort.   Komunikacja: Jasne opisywanie naszych spraw i oczekiwań. Co robić, a czego przebywać na sex randkach? Na sex randkach warto: Słuchać partnera: Najbardziej jego krawędzi i preferencji.   Zachować bezpieczeństwo: Oglądać się w miejskich pas także przechodzić zabezpieczeń.   Być uczciwym: Co do bezpośrednich idei także wyglądu zdrowia. Unikać należy: Naciskania na partnera: Do coś, czego nie chce.   Udostępniania rynek wielu możliwościach osobowych: Na starcie znajomości.   Ignorowania sygnałów ostrzegawczych: Dotyczących bezpieczeństwa. Jakie są najczęstsze braki w sex randkach? Najczęstsze błędy to: Brak jasnych oczekiwań: Niepodawanie swoich granic i potrzeb.   Ignorowanie bezpieczeństwa: Niezabezpieczanie się podczas spotkań.   Nadmierna prawdę na początku: Udostępnianie za dużo możliwości osobowych. Jak rozpoznać fałszywe profile na seks randkach? Fałszywe profile można stwierdzić po: Braku zdjęć czy zbyt idealnych zdjęciach.   Niekompletnych lub częściowych opisach.   Szybkim sięganiu do przeniesienia rozmowy poza platformę. Czy sex randki mogą przerodzić się w nieco więcej? Choć sex randki z kryterium są bez zobowiązań, wybrane spośród nich mogą przeobrazić się w garść więcej. W granicę zacieśniania znajomości, niektórzy uczestnicy mogą zadecydować się na bardziej rozwinięte relacje emocjonalne. Jak radzić sobie z wyłączeniem na sex randkach? Skończenie na sex randkach chyba być wymagające, natomiast warto dbać, że stanowi to strona procesu. Ważne jest, żeby nie mieć tegoż do siebie i nawiązywać poszukiwania. Budowanie pewności siebie także korzystne nastawienie są kluczowe. Wpływ sex randek na przeżycie osobiste Sex randki potrafią czerpać oryginalny nacisk na życie własne. Mogą przynosić element miłości i innowacje, lecz mogą jednocześnie prowadzić do wewnętrznych wyzwań, jeśli nie są prowadzone odpowiedzialnie. Jakie są opcje dla sex randek? Opcji dla sex randek to: Tradycyjne randki: Skupione na budowaniu silniejszych relacji emocjonalnych.   Przyjaźń z korzyściami: Relacje, w których jest czułość i atmosferę bez zobowiązań.   Spotkania towarzyskie: Bez seksualnych zobowiązań, lecz z drogą rozwoju relacji. Porady ekspertów na problem sex randek Eksperci radzą, aby zawsze skłaniać się zdrowym rozumem oraz patrzeć o domowe bezpieczeństwo. Ważne jest zarówno, aby nie zapominać o własnych miłościach i szukać równowagi między fizycznością a duchowością.Podsumowując, sex randki potrafią żyć fascynującym doświadczeniem, gdy są prowadzone odpowiedzialnie dodatkowo z znaczeniem dla siebie też dostawcę.
    41 Posted by giuseppefelicitas
  • Sex randki to jakość randkowania, która kumuluje się często na własnych relacjach fizycznych, bez zabezpieczeń emocjonalnych. Ich kluczowym punktem jest zadowolenie potrzeb seksualnych obu stron, które wchodzą w owego typu historie z całą myślą i dobrowolnie. Idą one stale przez internetowe platformy randkowe lub aplikacje mobilne, które dodają osoby o całych misjach i preferencjach. Jak znaleźć przyjaciela na sex randki? Znalezienie partnera na seks randki pewnie żyć podatne, jeśli wyczerpie się przydatne lekarstwa oraz zachowania. Przede wszystkim warto wykorzystać z wyspecjalizowanych serwisów randkowych lub aplikacji. Tworząc profil, należy być asertywnym co do prywatnych życzeń i możliwości. Wkład w czasopismach i odmianach dyskusyjnych że zarówno pomóc w nawiązywaniu kontaktów. Bezpieczeństwo i anonimowość w sex randkach Zaufanie oraz anonimowość to ważne postaci w sex randkach. Ważne jest, aby uzyskiwać z sieci, jakie dają właściwą wartę portale erotyczne informacji osobowych. Użytkownicy powinni więcej być dobrowolni niebezpieczeństwa także rzucać środki ostrożności, takie gdy przyjścia w państwowych stanowiskach na główne randki i unikanie udostępniania zbyt dużo informacji personalnych na wczesnym etapie znajomości. Najlepsze aplikacje do sex randek Wśród najlepszych aplikacji do sex randek podkreślają się: Tinder: Popularna aplikacja, która pomaga energiczne oraz wyraźne nawiązywanie kontaktów.   Adult Friend Finder: Serwis specjalizujący się w wyszukiwaniu partnerów do seksu.   Pure: Aplikacja, jaka wkłada na anonimowość i reakcja w tworzeniu spotkań. Zalety także zalety sex randek Sex randki obejmują proste cechy także zalety. Do wad można zaliczyć: Zaspokojenie potrzeb seksualnych: Bez słów emocjonalnych.   Łatwość nawiązywania kontaktów: Dzięki specjalnym aplikacjom i serwisom.   Wolność i elastyczność: Brak długoterminowych zobowiązań. Wady sex randek to: Ryzyko zdrowotne: Możliwość zakażenia chorobami przenoszonymi drogą płciową.   Brak emocjonalnej więzi: Co chyba wysyłać do poczucia pustki.   Możliwość spotkania fałszywych profili: Co zagraża bezpieczeństwu. Kto ma z sex randek? Z seks randek mają postaci w nietypowym wieku, z oryginalnych środowisk społecznych. Zawsze są to świadomości, które szukają przygód, są napięty program a nie chcą wiązać się emocjonalnie, czy jednostki, jakie chcą eksplorować swoją seksualność w dużo swobodny sposób. Jak wytworzyć się do ważnej sex randki? Stworzenie do idealnej sex randki wymaga kilku kroków: Komunikacja: Omówienie wymagań i norm z ewentualnym partnerem.   Bezpieczeństwo: Wybór publicznego pomieszczenia na kluczowe spotkanie.   Higiena: Zadbanie o inną higienę.   Ochrona: Miej o zabezpieczeniach, takich jak prezerwatywy. Najczęstsze mity o sex randkach Wokół sex randek narosło wiele mitów, takich jak: Mityczna rozwiązłość: Że ludzie użytkownicy są skrajnie rozwiązliwi.   Brak bezpieczeństwa: Że takie randki wciąż są niebezpieczne.   Brak wartości emocjonalnych: Że członkowie są emocjonalnie płytcy. Jak napisać dobry profil na seks randkach? Skuteczny profil powinien stanowić nieświadomy i wyraźny. Ważne jest, aby uwypuklić swoje koncepcje, preferencje i możliwości. Dodanie aktualnych zdjęć oraz drobnego obrazu siebie pomoże przyciągnąć właściwe osoby. Etapy nawiązywania trasy w sex randkach Nawiązywanie historii w sex randkach może prowadzić w paru etapach: Pierwszy kontakt: Zazwyczaj online, przez aplikację lub serwis.   Wymiana wiadomości: Myślenie siebie nawzajem i komentowanie oczekiwań.   Pierwsze spotkanie: Zwłaszcza w dostępnym znaczeniu dla bezpieczeństwa.   Zacieśnianie znajomości: Jeśli obie właściwości są zainteresowane, mogą kontynuować spotkania. Wskazówki dla młodych w sex randkach Dla amatorach pierwsze jest prowadzenie uwag i zdrowe oczekiwania. Warto zastosować z wskazówek doświadczonych klientów także mieć o istotnych regułach bezpieczeństwa. Jakie są zasady etykiety w sex randkach? W sex randkach, identycznie niczym w odrębnych metodach randkowania, obowiązują podstawowe normy etykiety: Szczerość: Bycie rozluźnionym i prawym co do prywatnych intencji i granic.   Szacunek: Traktowanie ślubnego z autorytetem oraz ochronę o jego komfort.   Komunikacja: Jasne opisywanie naszych spraw i oczekiwań. Co robić, a czego przebywać na sex randkach? Na sex randkach warto: Słuchać partnera: Najbardziej jego krawędzi i preferencji.   Zachować bezpieczeństwo: Oglądać się w miejskich pas także przechodzić zabezpieczeń.   Być uczciwym: Co do bezpośrednich idei także wyglądu zdrowia. Unikać należy: Naciskania na partnera: Do coś, czego nie chce.   Udostępniania rynek wielu możliwościach osobowych: Na starcie znajomości.   Ignorowania sygnałów ostrzegawczych: Dotyczących bezpieczeństwa. Jakie są najczęstsze braki w sex randkach? Najczęstsze błędy to: Brak jasnych oczekiwań: Niepodawanie swoich granic i potrzeb.   Ignorowanie bezpieczeństwa: Niezabezpieczanie się podczas spotkań.   Nadmierna prawdę na początku: Udostępnianie za dużo możliwości osobowych. Jak rozpoznać fałszywe profile na seks randkach? Fałszywe profile można stwierdzić po: Braku zdjęć czy zbyt idealnych zdjęciach.   Niekompletnych lub częściowych opisach.   Szybkim sięganiu do przeniesienia rozmowy poza platformę. Czy sex randki mogą przerodzić się w nieco więcej? Choć sex randki z kryterium są bez zobowiązań, wybrane spośród nich mogą przeobrazić się w garść więcej. W granicę zacieśniania znajomości, niektórzy uczestnicy mogą zadecydować się na bardziej rozwinięte relacje emocjonalne. Jak radzić sobie z wyłączeniem na sex randkach? Skończenie na sex randkach chyba być wymagające, natomiast warto dbać, że stanowi to strona procesu. Ważne jest, żeby nie mieć tegoż do siebie i nawiązywać poszukiwania. Budowanie pewności siebie także korzystne nastawienie są kluczowe. Wpływ sex randek na przeżycie osobiste Sex randki potrafią czerpać oryginalny nacisk na życie własne. Mogą przynosić element miłości i innowacje, lecz mogą jednocześnie prowadzić do wewnętrznych wyzwań, jeśli nie są prowadzone odpowiedzialnie. Jakie są opcje dla sex randek? Opcji dla sex randek to: Tradycyjne randki: Skupione na budowaniu silniejszych relacji emocjonalnych.   Przyjaźń z korzyściami: Relacje, w których jest czułość i atmosferę bez zobowiązań.   Spotkania towarzyskie: Bez seksualnych zobowiązań, lecz z drogą rozwoju relacji. Porady ekspertów na problem sex randek Eksperci radzą, aby zawsze skłaniać się zdrowym rozumem oraz patrzeć o domowe bezpieczeństwo. Ważne jest zarówno, aby nie zapominać o własnych miłościach i szukać równowagi między fizycznością a duchowością.Podsumowując, sex randki potrafią żyć fascynującym doświadczeniem, gdy są prowadzone odpowiedzialnie dodatkowo z znaczeniem dla siebie też dostawcę.
    Jul 10, 2024 41
  • 22 Nov 2019
    Converse Chuck Taylor All Star black sneakers tend to be more than a preference of shade. These common and up to date designs certainly are a lifestyle range, a way to be exactly the same and various with the similar time. The Converse All Star Core Ox Trainers present the beginnings of that paradox. These common Chuck Taylor fashion sneakers are Converse and all Converse. The black material and white with black stripe wraps converse archive print demonstrate that clearly. It just will not get any purer than this. Still, they're created with modern supplies, modern consumer in your mind. Hunting for the cool variation on that traditional seem? Examine out the Converse All Star Monochrome Ox Trainers. Black on black never seemed so great. The soles are already dyed to match, offering you the ultimate in stealth enchantment. Monochrome suggests "one color", nonetheless it also often implies "dull". Not this time. Not by a lengthy shot. Let children enter into the act while using the Converse All Star Main Ox Trainers for youths. A lot more than the usual dimension big difference, these common Converse sneakers provide the youthful established to the life-style. That life-style says "do it your way". The children version is available in an almost-monochrome variation. Just the soles usually are not black. Or, enable them slip into some Converse All Star Slip Strap Hi Substantial Top Trainers. Indeed, the classic large top rated fashion is there. But Converse has included a black strap with an orange emphasize that doesn't just search awesome, it really works cool. They're called trainers but your young children will mostly be training them selves to seem great. Seeking for just a actually typical substantial leading? The Converse All Star Higher Top rated Trainers are definitely the ticket. Every single ingredient from the basic Chuck Taylor style has long been preserved. The basketball legend from 1917 would simply converse footpatrol realize the white rubber wrap arounds. The black higher tops with blue star emblem is pure Chuck. The typical tread sample on the rubber sole is there, much too. For any contemporary variation, choose the Converse All Star AC/DC Large Prime Trainers. Black fabric satisfies dim rubber for just a in close proximity to monochrome search which makes lifetime colorful. The AC/DC symbol around the back lets you rejoice your preferred major metallic group while you perform air guitar. Participate in hoops or perform hooky to visit a live performance. Decide on the Converse All Star Monochrome Hi Substantial Top rated Trainers and you will be education to just take the prize for type in these city myth makers. Turn out to be a legend in your personal time as well as in your personal way. That is the Converse universe. Get an even a lot more up-to-the minute consider about the basic Chuck Taylor style. Choose the Converse All Star Buffalo Plaid Hello Large Tops. Plaid leather-based uppers give them type and sturdiness as rough as their namesake. Okay, so no buffalo at any time appeared such as this. Just what exactly? The type is a single severe hunk of cow.
    563 Posted by eerrecart sally
  • Converse Chuck Taylor All Star black sneakers tend to be more than a preference of shade. These common and up to date designs certainly are a lifestyle range, a way to be exactly the same and various with the similar time. The Converse All Star Core Ox Trainers present the beginnings of that paradox. These common Chuck Taylor fashion sneakers are Converse and all Converse. The black material and white with black stripe wraps converse archive print demonstrate that clearly. It just will not get any purer than this. Still, they're created with modern supplies, modern consumer in your mind. Hunting for the cool variation on that traditional seem? Examine out the Converse All Star Monochrome Ox Trainers. Black on black never seemed so great. The soles are already dyed to match, offering you the ultimate in stealth enchantment. Monochrome suggests "one color", nonetheless it also often implies "dull". Not this time. Not by a lengthy shot. Let children enter into the act while using the Converse All Star Main Ox Trainers for youths. A lot more than the usual dimension big difference, these common Converse sneakers provide the youthful established to the life-style. That life-style says "do it your way". The children version is available in an almost-monochrome variation. Just the soles usually are not black. Or, enable them slip into some Converse All Star Slip Strap Hi Substantial Top Trainers. Indeed, the classic large top rated fashion is there. But Converse has included a black strap with an orange emphasize that doesn't just search awesome, it really works cool. They're called trainers but your young children will mostly be training them selves to seem great. Seeking for just a actually typical substantial leading? The Converse All Star Higher Top rated Trainers are definitely the ticket. Every single ingredient from the basic Chuck Taylor style has long been preserved. The basketball legend from 1917 would simply converse footpatrol realize the white rubber wrap arounds. The black higher tops with blue star emblem is pure Chuck. The typical tread sample on the rubber sole is there, much too. For any contemporary variation, choose the Converse All Star AC/DC Large Prime Trainers. Black fabric satisfies dim rubber for just a in close proximity to monochrome search which makes lifetime colorful. The AC/DC symbol around the back lets you rejoice your preferred major metallic group while you perform air guitar. Participate in hoops or perform hooky to visit a live performance. Decide on the Converse All Star Monochrome Hi Substantial Top rated Trainers and you will be education to just take the prize for type in these city myth makers. Turn out to be a legend in your personal time as well as in your personal way. That is the Converse universe. Get an even a lot more up-to-the minute consider about the basic Chuck Taylor style. Choose the Converse All Star Buffalo Plaid Hello Large Tops. Plaid leather-based uppers give them type and sturdiness as rough as their namesake. Okay, so no buffalo at any time appeared such as this. Just what exactly? The type is a single severe hunk of cow.
    Nov 22, 2019 563
  • 03 Feb 2016
                                                                                            Safari Club International 2016   February 3rd - 7th we will be attending the 44th Annual Safari Club International Convention at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. The Safari Club International Convention is over one million square feet with more than 1200 exhibitors.     Over 20,000 hunters are expected to attend this years SCI Convention to interact with guides and outfitters from 33 countries from around the word. There will be 110 of the worlds best taxidermists at this years SCI Convention to display their work throughout the show floor.     You can participate in live or silent auctions for hunts, fishing trips, art, firearms and jewelry worth over 10 million dollars. The funds raised during this SCI Convention account for 70% of money raised through out the year that supports SCI Conservation programs and hunter advocacy.     Come down to the Mandalay Bay Convention Center and support the future of hunting and conservation.
    981 Posted by Chris Avena
  •                                                                                         Safari Club International 2016   February 3rd - 7th we will be attending the 44th Annual Safari Club International Convention at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. The Safari Club International Convention is over one million square feet with more than 1200 exhibitors.     Over 20,000 hunters are expected to attend this years SCI Convention to interact with guides and outfitters from 33 countries from around the word. There will be 110 of the worlds best taxidermists at this years SCI Convention to display their work throughout the show floor.     You can participate in live or silent auctions for hunts, fishing trips, art, firearms and jewelry worth over 10 million dollars. The funds raised during this SCI Convention account for 70% of money raised through out the year that supports SCI Conservation programs and hunter advocacy.     Come down to the Mandalay Bay Convention Center and support the future of hunting and conservation.
    Feb 03, 2016 981
  • 20 Jan 2016
    GLOCK Releases Two New MOS Pistols: G17 Gen4 in MOS & G19 Gen4 in MOS   Las Vegas, Nev. – Jan. 18, 2016 Today, GLOCK, Inc., announced the release of two new pistols to join the Modular Optic System (MOS) series, the G17 Gen4 in MOS and the G19 Gen4 in MOS. Now, two of GLOCK’s best selling pistols are available with milled slides designed specifically to be adaptable to multiple optic systems without costly customization. The G17 Gen4 MOS and G19 Gen4 MOS are the ideal addition to the series as the market continues to trend toward optic-ready everyday carry and defense. “We’re seeing more and more professional trainers recommend the use of optics for primary and defensive use,” stated Josh Dorsey, vice president at GLOCK. “Optic ready pistols will enable faster target acquisition when a reflex sight is mounted.” Both pistols are chambered in .9mm and do not differ in specifications from their respective standard models. Other MOS pistols, introduced in January of 2015, are the G34 Gen4 MOS, G35 Gen4 MOS, G41 Gen4 MOS, and the G40 Gen4 MOS. The new models were unveiled today at the Range Day for SHOT Show and will be on display at the GLOCK booth (#12254) throughout the week. The pistols will be available for purchase at retailers in the following weeks.
    1229 Posted by Chris Avena
  • GLOCK Releases Two New MOS Pistols: G17 Gen4 in MOS & G19 Gen4 in MOS   Las Vegas, Nev. – Jan. 18, 2016 Today, GLOCK, Inc., announced the release of two new pistols to join the Modular Optic System (MOS) series, the G17 Gen4 in MOS and the G19 Gen4 in MOS. Now, two of GLOCK’s best selling pistols are available with milled slides designed specifically to be adaptable to multiple optic systems without costly customization. The G17 Gen4 MOS and G19 Gen4 MOS are the ideal addition to the series as the market continues to trend toward optic-ready everyday carry and defense. “We’re seeing more and more professional trainers recommend the use of optics for primary and defensive use,” stated Josh Dorsey, vice president at GLOCK. “Optic ready pistols will enable faster target acquisition when a reflex sight is mounted.” Both pistols are chambered in .9mm and do not differ in specifications from their respective standard models. Other MOS pistols, introduced in January of 2015, are the G34 Gen4 MOS, G35 Gen4 MOS, G41 Gen4 MOS, and the G40 Gen4 MOS. The new models were unveiled today at the Range Day for SHOT Show and will be on display at the GLOCK booth (#12254) throughout the week. The pistols will be available for purchase at retailers in the following weeks.
    Jan 20, 2016 1229
  • 11 Jan 2016
                                                                                                                                MEDIA ADVISORY                                               Outdoor Sportsman Group at SHOT Show 2016   DENVER (January 11, 2016) – Outdoor Sportsman Group brands – including premier outdoor lifestyle cable networks, Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel, as well as the industry-leading publishing and digital brands from Outdoor Sportsman Group – Integrated Media, such as Guns & Ammo, Petersen’s Hunting, North American Whitetail, Rifle Shooter and Game & Fish – are once again an integral part of this year’s National Shooting Sports Foundation’s (NSSF) annual Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show) and Conference. The Las Vegas, Nevada gathering, taking place from Tuesday, January 19 through Friday, January 22, is one of the largest and most comprehensive trade shows for hunting, shooting, military and law enforcement industries.   Fans of the brands are invited to stop by the Outdoor Sportsman Group booth #13923 on the show floor for giveaways – including branded buffs and camo stress balls – and to learn about the world’s largest multimedia portfolio dedicated to the outdoor lifestyle.   Take Aim: Introducing American Marksman Tuesday, January 19 to Friday, January 22 ▪ During Show Hours | Sands Expo & Convention Center ▪ Booth L218, Level 2   In 2016, Outdoor Sportsman Group will be launching a groundbreaking new target shooting competition called American Marksman, which gives amateur shooters the chance to compete and earn their way to a national championship. Throughout the year, competitors in four categories – Men’s Open, Women’s Open, Junior (ages 12-17) and Military/Law Enforcement – will participate in local and regional events and a national championship that will be filmed for a network television series.   If you think you have what it takes, stop by the American Marksman booth #L218 to sign-up for a local qualifying event near you. For more information about the nationwide shooting competition, go to, or join the conversation on Twitter and Facebook by using: #AmericanMarksman.   SHOT Show Retailer Seminar: Merchandising to Women Hunters Thursday, January 21 ▪ 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. PT | The Venetian Hotel & Casino ▪ Lando Ballroom, Room 4302   This year, several Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel all-stars will be featured on an educational panel targeted towards helping endemic retailers attract and retain female customers. From merchandising to store layout and marketing initiatives, this session will address the specific needs of women hunters.   The panel will feature: Tiffany Lakosky, co-host of Outdoor Channel’s Crush with Lee & Tiffany; Melissa Bachman, host of Sportsman Channel TV show Winchester Deadly Passion; Shannon Reaser, a young hunter and TV personality; Judy Rhodes, founder of the DIVA Women Outdoors Worldwide; and panel moderator Barbara Baird, publisher Women’s Outdoor News. To register, visit your dashboard at after applying to attend the 2016 SHOT Show and add this event to your shopping cart.   And the Outdoor Sportsman Award Goes to… Thursday, January 21 ▪ 8 - 11 p.m. PT | The Venetian Hotel & Casino ▪ The Venetian Theatre   Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel are joining forces for the 16th Annual Outdoor Sportsman Awards Powered by RAM (OSA) to honor the networks’ notable talent and production teams. The invitation-only signature event will be co-hosted by Michael Waddell of Outdoor Channel’s Realtree Road Trips with Michael Waddell and Michael Waddell’s Bone Collector. Joining him as co-host this year is Tom McMillan of Sportsman Channel’s McMILLAN. Kristy Lee Cook, country singer, seventh place American Idol finalist and co-star of Sportsman Channel’s The Most Wanted List, is kicking off the ceremony with The Star-Spangled Banner. The star-studded red carpet event also will include a musical performance by a legendary rock & roll singer, songwriter and guitarist whose music helped shape a generation.   This year, 17 accolades will be handed out, including the Fan Favorite Best Host/s for Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel as voted on by loyal viewers. Among the OSA presenters are Taya Kyle, wife of the late U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, the most prolific sniper in American history and frequent Outdoor Channel guest star; Krissy Wejebe, daughter of the late legendary angler and Spanish Fly star Jose Wejebe; Willie Robertson, star of Duck Dynasty and Buck Commander protected by Under Armour on Outdoor Channel; Eva Shockey co-star of Outdoor Channel’s Jim Shockey’s Hunting Adventures; Louie Tuminaro, host of Outdoor Channel’s The Gunfather presented by Brownells; Jana Waller, star of Sportsman Channel’s Skull Bound TV; David and Karin Holder of Outdoor Channel’s Raised Hunting; National Rifle Association Vice President Pete Brownell; and Bass Pro Shops Director of Conservation Rob Keck.   For fans at home, the Outdoor Sportsman Awards will be streamed live at, starting at 11 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. PT. Live updates from the awards ceremony will be posted on the networks’ respective Facebook and Twitter platforms. Viewers can join the conversation by using: #OutdoorSportsmanAwards. Moreover, key moments from the OSA red carpet and SHOT Show will be available live on Periscope. Check the networks’ Twitter feeds for direct Periscope links.   Live from SHOT Show: Down Range TV Live Stream Tuesday, January 19 to Thursday, January 21 ▪ 1 - 3 p.m. PT | Sands Expo & Convention Center   For the first time ever, Outdoor Sportsman Group will be live streaming directly from the SHOT Show floor on Down Range TV Live Stream. Hosted by Outdoor Channel personality Michael Bane, the program will provide an inside look at what's new and trending within shooting sports, hunting and personal defense. Swing by booth #L218 or tune in online via to see Bane interview a surprise lineup of Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel talent, as well as makers of firearms, ammunition, outdoor apparel, optics, and related products and services, throughout the week.
    10338 Posted by Chris Avena
  •                                                                                                                             MEDIA ADVISORY                                               Outdoor Sportsman Group at SHOT Show 2016   DENVER (January 11, 2016) – Outdoor Sportsman Group brands – including premier outdoor lifestyle cable networks, Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel, as well as the industry-leading publishing and digital brands from Outdoor Sportsman Group – Integrated Media, such as Guns & Ammo, Petersen’s Hunting, North American Whitetail, Rifle Shooter and Game & Fish – are once again an integral part of this year’s National Shooting Sports Foundation’s (NSSF) annual Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show) and Conference. The Las Vegas, Nevada gathering, taking place from Tuesday, January 19 through Friday, January 22, is one of the largest and most comprehensive trade shows for hunting, shooting, military and law enforcement industries.   Fans of the brands are invited to stop by the Outdoor Sportsman Group booth #13923 on the show floor for giveaways – including branded buffs and camo stress balls – and to learn about the world’s largest multimedia portfolio dedicated to the outdoor lifestyle.   Take Aim: Introducing American Marksman Tuesday, January 19 to Friday, January 22 ▪ During Show Hours | Sands Expo & Convention Center ▪ Booth L218, Level 2   In 2016, Outdoor Sportsman Group will be launching a groundbreaking new target shooting competition called American Marksman, which gives amateur shooters the chance to compete and earn their way to a national championship. Throughout the year, competitors in four categories – Men’s Open, Women’s Open, Junior (ages 12-17) and Military/Law Enforcement – will participate in local and regional events and a national championship that will be filmed for a network television series.   If you think you have what it takes, stop by the American Marksman booth #L218 to sign-up for a local qualifying event near you. For more information about the nationwide shooting competition, go to, or join the conversation on Twitter and Facebook by using: #AmericanMarksman.   SHOT Show Retailer Seminar: Merchandising to Women Hunters Thursday, January 21 ▪ 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. PT | The Venetian Hotel & Casino ▪ Lando Ballroom, Room 4302   This year, several Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel all-stars will be featured on an educational panel targeted towards helping endemic retailers attract and retain female customers. From merchandising to store layout and marketing initiatives, this session will address the specific needs of women hunters.   The panel will feature: Tiffany Lakosky, co-host of Outdoor Channel’s Crush with Lee & Tiffany; Melissa Bachman, host of Sportsman Channel TV show Winchester Deadly Passion; Shannon Reaser, a young hunter and TV personality; Judy Rhodes, founder of the DIVA Women Outdoors Worldwide; and panel moderator Barbara Baird, publisher Women’s Outdoor News. To register, visit your dashboard at after applying to attend the 2016 SHOT Show and add this event to your shopping cart.   And the Outdoor Sportsman Award Goes to… Thursday, January 21 ▪ 8 - 11 p.m. PT | The Venetian Hotel & Casino ▪ The Venetian Theatre   Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel are joining forces for the 16th Annual Outdoor Sportsman Awards Powered by RAM (OSA) to honor the networks’ notable talent and production teams. The invitation-only signature event will be co-hosted by Michael Waddell of Outdoor Channel’s Realtree Road Trips with Michael Waddell and Michael Waddell’s Bone Collector. Joining him as co-host this year is Tom McMillan of Sportsman Channel’s McMILLAN. Kristy Lee Cook, country singer, seventh place American Idol finalist and co-star of Sportsman Channel’s The Most Wanted List, is kicking off the ceremony with The Star-Spangled Banner. The star-studded red carpet event also will include a musical performance by a legendary rock & roll singer, songwriter and guitarist whose music helped shape a generation.   This year, 17 accolades will be handed out, including the Fan Favorite Best Host/s for Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel as voted on by loyal viewers. Among the OSA presenters are Taya Kyle, wife of the late U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, the most prolific sniper in American history and frequent Outdoor Channel guest star; Krissy Wejebe, daughter of the late legendary angler and Spanish Fly star Jose Wejebe; Willie Robertson, star of Duck Dynasty and Buck Commander protected by Under Armour on Outdoor Channel; Eva Shockey co-star of Outdoor Channel’s Jim Shockey’s Hunting Adventures; Louie Tuminaro, host of Outdoor Channel’s The Gunfather presented by Brownells; Jana Waller, star of Sportsman Channel’s Skull Bound TV; David and Karin Holder of Outdoor Channel’s Raised Hunting; National Rifle Association Vice President Pete Brownell; and Bass Pro Shops Director of Conservation Rob Keck.   For fans at home, the Outdoor Sportsman Awards will be streamed live at, starting at 11 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. PT. Live updates from the awards ceremony will be posted on the networks’ respective Facebook and Twitter platforms. Viewers can join the conversation by using: #OutdoorSportsmanAwards. Moreover, key moments from the OSA red carpet and SHOT Show will be available live on Periscope. Check the networks’ Twitter feeds for direct Periscope links.   Live from SHOT Show: Down Range TV Live Stream Tuesday, January 19 to Thursday, January 21 ▪ 1 - 3 p.m. PT | Sands Expo & Convention Center   For the first time ever, Outdoor Sportsman Group will be live streaming directly from the SHOT Show floor on Down Range TV Live Stream. Hosted by Outdoor Channel personality Michael Bane, the program will provide an inside look at what's new and trending within shooting sports, hunting and personal defense. Swing by booth #L218 or tune in online via to see Bane interview a surprise lineup of Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel talent, as well as makers of firearms, ammunition, outdoor apparel, optics, and related products and services, throughout the week.
    Jan 11, 2016 10338
  • 05 Jan 2016
    OUTDOOR CHANNEL AND SPORTSMAN CHANNEL UNVEIL NOMINEES FOR THE 16TH ANNUAL OUTDOOR SPORTSMAN AWARDS   Michael Waddell and Tom McMillan to Co-Host; Taya Kyle, Willie Robertson, Eva Shockey and More Among the Presenters; Legendary Rock & Roll Musical Guest and Kristy Lee Cook to Perform   DENVER (January 5, 2016) – Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel, part of Outdoor Sportsman Group – Networks, today announced the nominees for the 16th Annual Outdoor Sportsman Awards Powered by RAM (OSA). The OSA serve as the hallmark event to recognize the outstanding programming created by Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel’s talent and production teams during the previous year.   The awards ceremony will take place on Thursday, January 21, 2016 at The Venetian in Las Vegas during the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s annual industry gathering, the Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show) and Conference. In addition to the 15 awards outlined below, a coveted Fan Favorite Host(s) award for Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel will be handed out that night, as voted on by thousands of the networks’ biggest fans.   “After more than a year as a unified force created to super-serve passionate audiences that are dedicated to the growing outdoor lifestyle in America, Outdoor Sportsman Group – Networks is pleased to come together to honor the very best in outdoor television,” said Jim Liberatore, CEO and President of Outdoor Sportsman Group – Networks. “With so many remarkable shows on Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel that are brought to life by the incredible work of our talent, producers, directors, writers, camera crews, editors and others, 2015 was truly an extraordinary year for our industry and I look forward to presenting these lauded accolades."   This year’s awards show will be emceed by Michael Waddell of Outdoor Channel’s Realtree Road Trips with Michael Waddell and Michael Waddell’s Bone Collector, along with Tom McMillan of Sportsman Channel’s McMILLAN.   Kristy Lee Cook, country singer, seventh place American Idol finalist and co-star of Sportsman Channel’s The Most Wanted List, is kicking off the ceremony with The Star-Spangled Banner. The star-studded gathering also will include a special musical performance by a legendary rock & roll singer, songwriter and guitarist whose music helped shape a generation.   Among the Outdoor Sportsman Awards presenters are Taya Kyle, wife of the late U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, the most prolific sniper in American history and frequent Outdoor Channel guest star; Krissy Wejebe, daughter of the late legendary angler and Spanish Fly star Jose Wejebe; Willie Robertson, star of Duck Dynasty and Buck Commander protected by Under Armour on Outdoor Channel; Eva Shockey co-star of Outdoor Channel’s Jim Shockey’s Hunting Adventures; Louie Tuminaro, host of Outdoor Channel’s The Gunfather presented by Brownells; Jana Waller, star of Sportsman Channel’s Skull Bound TV; David and Karin Holder of Outdoor Channel’s Raised Hunting; National Rifle Association Vice President Pete Brownell; and Bass Pro Shops Director of Conservation Rob Keck.   This year, the Outdoor Sportsman Awards will be streamed live at, starting 11 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. PT. Live updates from the awards ceremony will be posted on the networks’ respective Facebook and Twitter platforms. Viewers can join the conversation by using: #OutdoorSportsmanAwards. Moreover, key moments from the OSA red carpet will be available live on Periscope. Check the networks’ Twitter feeds for direct Periscope links.
    980 Posted by Chris Avena
  • OUTDOOR CHANNEL AND SPORTSMAN CHANNEL UNVEIL NOMINEES FOR THE 16TH ANNUAL OUTDOOR SPORTSMAN AWARDS   Michael Waddell and Tom McMillan to Co-Host; Taya Kyle, Willie Robertson, Eva Shockey and More Among the Presenters; Legendary Rock & Roll Musical Guest and Kristy Lee Cook to Perform   DENVER (January 5, 2016) – Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel, part of Outdoor Sportsman Group – Networks, today announced the nominees for the 16th Annual Outdoor Sportsman Awards Powered by RAM (OSA). The OSA serve as the hallmark event to recognize the outstanding programming created by Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel’s talent and production teams during the previous year.   The awards ceremony will take place on Thursday, January 21, 2016 at The Venetian in Las Vegas during the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s annual industry gathering, the Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show) and Conference. In addition to the 15 awards outlined below, a coveted Fan Favorite Host(s) award for Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel will be handed out that night, as voted on by thousands of the networks’ biggest fans.   “After more than a year as a unified force created to super-serve passionate audiences that are dedicated to the growing outdoor lifestyle in America, Outdoor Sportsman Group – Networks is pleased to come together to honor the very best in outdoor television,” said Jim Liberatore, CEO and President of Outdoor Sportsman Group – Networks. “With so many remarkable shows on Outdoor Channel and Sportsman Channel that are brought to life by the incredible work of our talent, producers, directors, writers, camera crews, editors and others, 2015 was truly an extraordinary year for our industry and I look forward to presenting these lauded accolades."   This year’s awards show will be emceed by Michael Waddell of Outdoor Channel’s Realtree Road Trips with Michael Waddell and Michael Waddell’s Bone Collector, along with Tom McMillan of Sportsman Channel’s McMILLAN.   Kristy Lee Cook, country singer, seventh place American Idol finalist and co-star of Sportsman Channel’s The Most Wanted List, is kicking off the ceremony with The Star-Spangled Banner. The star-studded gathering also will include a special musical performance by a legendary rock & roll singer, songwriter and guitarist whose music helped shape a generation.   Among the Outdoor Sportsman Awards presenters are Taya Kyle, wife of the late U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, the most prolific sniper in American history and frequent Outdoor Channel guest star; Krissy Wejebe, daughter of the late legendary angler and Spanish Fly star Jose Wejebe; Willie Robertson, star of Duck Dynasty and Buck Commander protected by Under Armour on Outdoor Channel; Eva Shockey co-star of Outdoor Channel’s Jim Shockey’s Hunting Adventures; Louie Tuminaro, host of Outdoor Channel’s The Gunfather presented by Brownells; Jana Waller, star of Sportsman Channel’s Skull Bound TV; David and Karin Holder of Outdoor Channel’s Raised Hunting; National Rifle Association Vice President Pete Brownell; and Bass Pro Shops Director of Conservation Rob Keck.   This year, the Outdoor Sportsman Awards will be streamed live at, starting 11 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. PT. Live updates from the awards ceremony will be posted on the networks’ respective Facebook and Twitter platforms. Viewers can join the conversation by using: #OutdoorSportsmanAwards. Moreover, key moments from the OSA red carpet will be available live on Periscope. Check the networks’ Twitter feeds for direct Periscope links.
    Jan 05, 2016 980
  • 08 Oct 2015
                 SHOT Show Triumphs 'Against All Odds,' Earns Gold 100 and Grand Awards   NEWTOWN, Conn.-The SHOT Show, owned by the National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®), was honored with Gold 100 recognition and a Grand Award at the Trade Show Executive Gold 100 Awards and Summit in Santa Barbara, California, last week.   The awards signify that the Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show) is among the Top 100 Trade Shows in the world and, for the Grand Award, that SHOT Show overcame great obstacles to achieve extraordinary success at its 2014 show, making it the perfect candidate in the Against All Odds category.   "We're honored to receive these awards," said Chris Dolnack, NSSF's Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer. "I can't imagine a better example of a trade show team rising to the occasion to overcome multiple challenges to put on a successful event than that shown by the SHOT Show team leading up to the 2014 show. It was a heroic, Mt. Everest-summit-like effort."   The show faced such steep odds because NSSF had ended its relationship with a longtime show management company following the 2013 show. That led to the necessity of developing a new show management team along with new contracts for its convention center facility, partner hotels, general service contractor and other vendors-no small task for the largest trade show of its kind in the world that attracts 67,000 attendees, 1600 exhibitors and more than 2,400 members of the media.   With about half a year to produce a huge trade show from scratch, NSSF and its new show management company, ConvExx, new marketing firm, CSG, and longtime partner Freeman not only accomplished the mission but produced one of the most successful SHOT Shows in history. Buyer attendance grew by eight percent over the previous year. On the exhibition show floor, it was another SHOT Show sell-out, and the post-show survey revealed exhibitor satisfaction as the highest rated ever.   "Truly, we excelled against all odds," said Dolnack. "There were those who said it couldn't be done, but SHOT Show has long set a high bar for excellence and that was our motivation. I could not be more proud of all who contributed to the effort with their unique talents. Of course, now we have to do it again for the 2016 show-and we will!"   About NSSFThe National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 12,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen's organizations and publishers. For more information, visit
    1967 Posted by Chris Avena
  •              SHOT Show Triumphs 'Against All Odds,' Earns Gold 100 and Grand Awards   NEWTOWN, Conn.-The SHOT Show, owned by the National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®), was honored with Gold 100 recognition and a Grand Award at the Trade Show Executive Gold 100 Awards and Summit in Santa Barbara, California, last week.   The awards signify that the Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show) is among the Top 100 Trade Shows in the world and, for the Grand Award, that SHOT Show overcame great obstacles to achieve extraordinary success at its 2014 show, making it the perfect candidate in the Against All Odds category.   "We're honored to receive these awards," said Chris Dolnack, NSSF's Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer. "I can't imagine a better example of a trade show team rising to the occasion to overcome multiple challenges to put on a successful event than that shown by the SHOT Show team leading up to the 2014 show. It was a heroic, Mt. Everest-summit-like effort."   The show faced such steep odds because NSSF had ended its relationship with a longtime show management company following the 2013 show. That led to the necessity of developing a new show management team along with new contracts for its convention center facility, partner hotels, general service contractor and other vendors-no small task for the largest trade show of its kind in the world that attracts 67,000 attendees, 1600 exhibitors and more than 2,400 members of the media.   With about half a year to produce a huge trade show from scratch, NSSF and its new show management company, ConvExx, new marketing firm, CSG, and longtime partner Freeman not only accomplished the mission but produced one of the most successful SHOT Shows in history. Buyer attendance grew by eight percent over the previous year. On the exhibition show floor, it was another SHOT Show sell-out, and the post-show survey revealed exhibitor satisfaction as the highest rated ever.   "Truly, we excelled against all odds," said Dolnack. "There were those who said it couldn't be done, but SHOT Show has long set a high bar for excellence and that was our motivation. I could not be more proud of all who contributed to the effort with their unique talents. Of course, now we have to do it again for the 2016 show-and we will!"   About NSSFThe National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 12,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen's organizations and publishers. For more information, visit
    Oct 08, 2015 1967
  • 28 Jan 2015
    January 23, 2015 Media Contact:Bill    2015 SHOT Show Posts Second Highest Attendance Total Ever    LAS VEGAS -- The Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show) rang up its second highest attendance ever at the Sands Expo Center Jan. 20-23, giving the industry a very good indicator that a strong sales year lies ahead.Long a bellwether for the industry's prospects, the SHOT Show brings together buyers and sellers from the United States and more than 100 countries. Total attendance for the 2015 SHOT Show was nearly 64,000, second only to last year's record-setting event, where nearly 67,000 came through the turnstiles. Lower attendance reflected strengthened pre-screening of attendees to enhance the overall experience of both exhibitors and buyers."We know from long experience that attendance at the SHOT Show is a reflection of the state of our industry," said Chris Dolnack, NSSF Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer. "This second highest attendance is in keeping with what we saw in the past year -- that our industry is in good health and that manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers have a positive outlook for this year."NSSF®, the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry, owns and sponsors the SHOT Show.From the opening bell, the show floor hummed with traffic. Cindy Daniel, Executive Vice President of Daniel Defense, a major sponsor of the SHOT Show, said, "It's been a very busy show. We're optimistic that with the good vibe we're seeing on the floor sales will pick up again and we'll have a solid year."Said Kort Nielson with Silencer Co., "We've been pretty busy, and there hasn't been much down time. Increasing our booth size and design and its new position in this hall has been good for traffic, but we're also focusing on education." Silencer Co. put on two seminars this week for retailers on how to educate customers about suppressors, a fast growing sales area.The $8 billion industry has seen rapid growth in the last several years, powered by newcomers to the shooting sports. More than 20 percent of firearms owners are in this category, in that they have purchased their first firearm within the last five years. Women continue to be an undeniable market force. During the show at a packed press conference, NSSF released a new report on "Women Gun Owners: Purchasing, Perceptions and Participation." Women, whose participation in target shooting and hunting as well as interest in owning a firearm for personal and home protection continues to grow rapidly, now purchase about 25 percent of industry products. "This report will help NSSF members better understand the products and features women want and to continue to serve women of all skill levels," said Jim Curcuruto, NSSF Director of Industry Research and Analysis. More than 1,600 exhibiting companies filled the convention center and rooms in the adjoining Venetian Hotel. Total show exhibition space was more than 640,000 net square feet, or 13 acres of product display, with more than 150 new companies exhibiting. Manufacturers of firearms, ammunition, optics, cutlery, apparel, accessories and law enforcement equipment introduced new products and services that retailers will offer consumers during the course of the year. On the first evening of the show, more than 2,400 people attended NSSF's State of the Industry Dinner, where Steve Sanetti, NSSF President and CEO, delivered a well-received speech on the industry's determination to counter its detractors with facts on firearm safety and deter efforts to burden law-abiding gun owners with unnecessary legislation. "Much of the public and the media are woefully misinformed about who we are and all that we do about genuine gun safety," said Sanetti, who pointed out to such notable NSSF programs as Project ChildSafe, Fix NICS and Don't Like for the Other Guy programs. "Some pundits state that the shooting sports are 'in retreat,'" said Sanetti. "Well, look at the facts. Last year's SHOT Show, one of the fastest growing trade shows in the nation, had its highest attendance and satisfaction levels ever; the number of federally licensed firearms dealers is growing; firearm sales experienced the second highest year ever and ammunition sales continue at near record levels; firearms permit and safety classes report long waiting lists; and the number of apprentice hunting licenses increased to well over 1 million. If this is a 'retreat,' as those who see no appeal in what we do have alleged, I truly wonder what an advance would look like." At the dinner, Richard Lipsey, owner of Lipsey's, one of the nation's largest sporting goods distributors, received the prestigious NSSF Ken Sedlecky Award for longterm commitment to the success of the industry and supporting NSSF's mission to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Mark Keefe, editor-in-chief of American Rifleman magazine, was awarded the POMA-NSSF Grits Gresham Shooting Sports Communicator Award. Media was out in force again at the show, totaling 2,500, including international press. Some of the country's most well-known radio personalities, including Mike Gallagher, Lars Larson and Dana Loesch, broadcasted live from the show's popular "Radio Row." Prior to the show, NSSF hosted a fundraising golf tournament to benefit Honored American Veterans Afield (HAVA), an industry developed and supported effort to help the healing and reintegration of disabled combat veterans back into normal American life though participation in outdoor events. The SHOT Show is not just about selling and buying products. The show provides educational opportunities for firearms retailers at SHOT Show University, which was sold out, and at other seminars, and for law enforcement professionals at the Law Enforcement Education Program. The SHOT Show is managed by Las Vegas-based ConvExx. Major sponsors of the 2015 SHOT Show in addition to Daniel Defense were Outdoor Channel,, Brownell's, Gamo Outdoor USA, Georgia Department of Economic Development, Mossy Oak, Trijicon, Smith & Wesson and Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, among others. Ram Truck Brand was the official truck of the SHOT Show. Nissan was sponsor of the show's press room. The SHOT Show, the fifth largest trade show in Las Vegas, pumps nearly $90 million in non-gaming revenue into the Las Vegas economy. Next year's SHOT Show is scheduled for Jan. 19-22 at the Sands Expo.   -30-     About NSSFThe National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 10,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsman's organizations and publications. For more information, visit
    3005 Posted by Chris Avena
  • January 23, 2015 Media Contact:Bill    2015 SHOT Show Posts Second Highest Attendance Total Ever    LAS VEGAS -- The Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show) rang up its second highest attendance ever at the Sands Expo Center Jan. 20-23, giving the industry a very good indicator that a strong sales year lies ahead.Long a bellwether for the industry's prospects, the SHOT Show brings together buyers and sellers from the United States and more than 100 countries. Total attendance for the 2015 SHOT Show was nearly 64,000, second only to last year's record-setting event, where nearly 67,000 came through the turnstiles. Lower attendance reflected strengthened pre-screening of attendees to enhance the overall experience of both exhibitors and buyers."We know from long experience that attendance at the SHOT Show is a reflection of the state of our industry," said Chris Dolnack, NSSF Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer. "This second highest attendance is in keeping with what we saw in the past year -- that our industry is in good health and that manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers have a positive outlook for this year."NSSF®, the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry, owns and sponsors the SHOT Show.From the opening bell, the show floor hummed with traffic. Cindy Daniel, Executive Vice President of Daniel Defense, a major sponsor of the SHOT Show, said, "It's been a very busy show. We're optimistic that with the good vibe we're seeing on the floor sales will pick up again and we'll have a solid year."Said Kort Nielson with Silencer Co., "We've been pretty busy, and there hasn't been much down time. Increasing our booth size and design and its new position in this hall has been good for traffic, but we're also focusing on education." Silencer Co. put on two seminars this week for retailers on how to educate customers about suppressors, a fast growing sales area.The $8 billion industry has seen rapid growth in the last several years, powered by newcomers to the shooting sports. More than 20 percent of firearms owners are in this category, in that they have purchased their first firearm within the last five years. Women continue to be an undeniable market force. During the show at a packed press conference, NSSF released a new report on "Women Gun Owners: Purchasing, Perceptions and Participation." Women, whose participation in target shooting and hunting as well as interest in owning a firearm for personal and home protection continues to grow rapidly, now purchase about 25 percent of industry products. "This report will help NSSF members better understand the products and features women want and to continue to serve women of all skill levels," said Jim Curcuruto, NSSF Director of Industry Research and Analysis. More than 1,600 exhibiting companies filled the convention center and rooms in the adjoining Venetian Hotel. Total show exhibition space was more than 640,000 net square feet, or 13 acres of product display, with more than 150 new companies exhibiting. Manufacturers of firearms, ammunition, optics, cutlery, apparel, accessories and law enforcement equipment introduced new products and services that retailers will offer consumers during the course of the year. On the first evening of the show, more than 2,400 people attended NSSF's State of the Industry Dinner, where Steve Sanetti, NSSF President and CEO, delivered a well-received speech on the industry's determination to counter its detractors with facts on firearm safety and deter efforts to burden law-abiding gun owners with unnecessary legislation. "Much of the public and the media are woefully misinformed about who we are and all that we do about genuine gun safety," said Sanetti, who pointed out to such notable NSSF programs as Project ChildSafe, Fix NICS and Don't Like for the Other Guy programs. "Some pundits state that the shooting sports are 'in retreat,'" said Sanetti. "Well, look at the facts. Last year's SHOT Show, one of the fastest growing trade shows in the nation, had its highest attendance and satisfaction levels ever; the number of federally licensed firearms dealers is growing; firearm sales experienced the second highest year ever and ammunition sales continue at near record levels; firearms permit and safety classes report long waiting lists; and the number of apprentice hunting licenses increased to well over 1 million. If this is a 'retreat,' as those who see no appeal in what we do have alleged, I truly wonder what an advance would look like." At the dinner, Richard Lipsey, owner of Lipsey's, one of the nation's largest sporting goods distributors, received the prestigious NSSF Ken Sedlecky Award for longterm commitment to the success of the industry and supporting NSSF's mission to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Mark Keefe, editor-in-chief of American Rifleman magazine, was awarded the POMA-NSSF Grits Gresham Shooting Sports Communicator Award. Media was out in force again at the show, totaling 2,500, including international press. Some of the country's most well-known radio personalities, including Mike Gallagher, Lars Larson and Dana Loesch, broadcasted live from the show's popular "Radio Row." Prior to the show, NSSF hosted a fundraising golf tournament to benefit Honored American Veterans Afield (HAVA), an industry developed and supported effort to help the healing and reintegration of disabled combat veterans back into normal American life though participation in outdoor events. The SHOT Show is not just about selling and buying products. The show provides educational opportunities for firearms retailers at SHOT Show University, which was sold out, and at other seminars, and for law enforcement professionals at the Law Enforcement Education Program. The SHOT Show is managed by Las Vegas-based ConvExx. Major sponsors of the 2015 SHOT Show in addition to Daniel Defense were Outdoor Channel,, Brownell's, Gamo Outdoor USA, Georgia Department of Economic Development, Mossy Oak, Trijicon, Smith & Wesson and Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, among others. Ram Truck Brand was the official truck of the SHOT Show. Nissan was sponsor of the show's press room. The SHOT Show, the fifth largest trade show in Las Vegas, pumps nearly $90 million in non-gaming revenue into the Las Vegas economy. Next year's SHOT Show is scheduled for Jan. 19-22 at the Sands Expo.   -30-     About NSSFThe National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 10,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsman's organizations and publications. For more information, visit
    Jan 28, 2015 3005
  • 16 Jun 2014
    To: ALL MEDIA For immediate release June 16, 2014 For more information contact: Bill Brassard 203-426-1320 NSSF, Sands Expo Extend SHOT   Show Agreement to 2020 LAS VEGAS-   The National Shooting Sports Foundation and Sands Expo and Convention Center have followed up the 2014 record-setting Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show) by adding another two years to their agreement.   Under the new terms, the SHOT Show will be presented at the Sands Expo through 2020.   The 2014 SHOT Show, which ran Jan. 14-17, attracted more than 67,000 in total attendance, an all-time high, and was the fifth consecutive SHOT Show held at Sands Expo. NSSF had previously announced, in February, that it was extending its stay at the venue through 2017.   "We're pleased with the multi-million dollar investment that the Sands Expo has made in order to meet SHOT Show's needs," said Chris Dolnack, NSSF Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer. "The 2014 SHOT Show was the highest rated by both attendees and exhibitors alike, and we want to continue to build on our success here in Las Vegas."   SHOT Show is the fifth largest trade show in Las Vegas and the largest trade show of its kind in the world.   "As one of the largest events we host at Sands Expo, it has been exciting to watch SHOT Show grow every year," said Ashlyn LaPorte, Sands Expo Executive Director of Event Management. "We are proud of the partnership that has developed between our venue and show management, and look forward to continuing this relationship through the rest of the decade."   The Sands Expo and Convention Center houses more than 2 million square feet of meeting and event space.   The SHOT Show generates more than $73 million for the Las Vegas economy.
    2297 Posted by Chris Avena
  • To: ALL MEDIA For immediate release June 16, 2014 For more information contact: Bill Brassard 203-426-1320 NSSF, Sands Expo Extend SHOT   Show Agreement to 2020 LAS VEGAS-   The National Shooting Sports Foundation and Sands Expo and Convention Center have followed up the 2014 record-setting Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show) by adding another two years to their agreement.   Under the new terms, the SHOT Show will be presented at the Sands Expo through 2020.   The 2014 SHOT Show, which ran Jan. 14-17, attracted more than 67,000 in total attendance, an all-time high, and was the fifth consecutive SHOT Show held at Sands Expo. NSSF had previously announced, in February, that it was extending its stay at the venue through 2017.   "We're pleased with the multi-million dollar investment that the Sands Expo has made in order to meet SHOT Show's needs," said Chris Dolnack, NSSF Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer. "The 2014 SHOT Show was the highest rated by both attendees and exhibitors alike, and we want to continue to build on our success here in Las Vegas."   SHOT Show is the fifth largest trade show in Las Vegas and the largest trade show of its kind in the world.   "As one of the largest events we host at Sands Expo, it has been exciting to watch SHOT Show grow every year," said Ashlyn LaPorte, Sands Expo Executive Director of Event Management. "We are proud of the partnership that has developed between our venue and show management, and look forward to continuing this relationship through the rest of the decade."   The Sands Expo and Convention Center houses more than 2 million square feet of meeting and event space.   The SHOT Show generates more than $73 million for the Las Vegas economy.
    Jun 16, 2014 2297
  • 21 Apr 2014
          Carl Zeiss Sports Optics Announces 2014 NRA Show Celebrity Signings         NORTH CHESTERFIELD, VA., (April 21, 2014) - Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, the world's leading manufacturer of high performance sports optics is pleased to announce that former professional cage fighter Matt Hughes, TV host of “Uncaged”, along with Larry Weishuhn, TV host of “Trailing the Hunter’s Moon”, and Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulo, TV hosts of “Archers Choice” & “The Choice,” will be appearing in the Zeiss booth (#6854) at the 143nd Annual NRA Meetings and Exhibits in Indianapolis (IN), April 25-27, 2014. ZEISS is a proud sponsor and optics partner of all three shows.  The “Uncaged” TV Show is hosted by 9-time UFC Welterweight Champion Matt Hughes, and airs on the Sportsman Channel.  The show is an adventure series focusing on challenging, free-range hunts around the world.  Larry Weishuhn’s “Trailing the Hunter’s Moon” TV Show airs on the Sportsman Channel, featuring “Mr. Whitetail” who travels the world in search of exotic and popular trophy game.  Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulo are hosts of two of today’s top rated award-winning hunting TV shows.  These two have introduced millions of viewers to their very unique relationship and incredible hunting adventures on “Archers Choice” & “The Choice” TV shows that air on The Outdoor Channel. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics will showcase their innovative hunting optics at the NRA convention, including products from the premium entry TERRA line, the premium CONQUEST line and super-premium VICTORY line.  NRA attendees are encouraged to stop by the Zeiss booth (#6854) to meet Matt, Larry, Ralph & Vicki, and experience the latest offerings from the industry leader in optical technology.  See the full schedule of celebrity signing times below.  Friday, April 25th (all times Eastern Standard Time) 1 pm – 2 pm:  Matt Hughes, “Uncaged” 3 pm – 4 pm:  Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulo, “Archer’s Choice” & “The Choice” Saturday, April 26th 11 am – 12 pm:  Larry Weishuhn, “Trailing the Hunter's Moon” 1 pm – 2 pm:      Matt Hughes, “Uncaged” 3 pm – 4 pm:      Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulo, “Archer’s Choice” & “The Choice” Sunday, April 27th 11 am – 12 pm:  Larry Weishuhn, “Trailing the Hunter's Moon” 1 pm – 2 pm:      Matt Hughes, “Uncaged” The 143nd NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits will be held at the Indiana Convention Center in the center of downtown Indianapolis, IN, April 25-27, 2014.  Bring the whole family to enjoy the over 600 exhibitors covering over 400,000 square feet of exhibit hall space, educational seminars, celebrities, and fun-filled special events.  There will be something for everyone!  For more information on this event, visit    About Carl Zeiss Sports Optics   Carl Zeiss Sports Optics is a leading, international provider of premium sports optics and is part of the Consumer Optics Group of Carl Zeiss. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, LLC is responsible for sales, marketing and distribution of its state-of-the-art binoculars, riflescopes, rangefinders and spotting scopes throughout the United States and Canada. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics’ North American headquarters is located in North Chesterfield, VA.   About the ZEISS Group ZEISS is an internationally leading technology enterprise operating in the fields of optics and optoelectronics. The company has been contributing to technological progress for more than 160 years. Founded in 1846, the company now has its headquarters in Oberkochen in southwest Germany and has representatives in over 40 countries.  
    20486 Posted by Chris Avena
  •       Carl Zeiss Sports Optics Announces 2014 NRA Show Celebrity Signings         NORTH CHESTERFIELD, VA., (April 21, 2014) - Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, the world's leading manufacturer of high performance sports optics is pleased to announce that former professional cage fighter Matt Hughes, TV host of “Uncaged”, along with Larry Weishuhn, TV host of “Trailing the Hunter’s Moon”, and Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulo, TV hosts of “Archers Choice” & “The Choice,” will be appearing in the Zeiss booth (#6854) at the 143nd Annual NRA Meetings and Exhibits in Indianapolis (IN), April 25-27, 2014. ZEISS is a proud sponsor and optics partner of all three shows.  The “Uncaged” TV Show is hosted by 9-time UFC Welterweight Champion Matt Hughes, and airs on the Sportsman Channel.  The show is an adventure series focusing on challenging, free-range hunts around the world.  Larry Weishuhn’s “Trailing the Hunter’s Moon” TV Show airs on the Sportsman Channel, featuring “Mr. Whitetail” who travels the world in search of exotic and popular trophy game.  Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulo are hosts of two of today’s top rated award-winning hunting TV shows.  These two have introduced millions of viewers to their very unique relationship and incredible hunting adventures on “Archers Choice” & “The Choice” TV shows that air on The Outdoor Channel. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics will showcase their innovative hunting optics at the NRA convention, including products from the premium entry TERRA line, the premium CONQUEST line and super-premium VICTORY line.  NRA attendees are encouraged to stop by the Zeiss booth (#6854) to meet Matt, Larry, Ralph & Vicki, and experience the latest offerings from the industry leader in optical technology.  See the full schedule of celebrity signing times below.  Friday, April 25th (all times Eastern Standard Time) 1 pm – 2 pm:  Matt Hughes, “Uncaged” 3 pm – 4 pm:  Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulo, “Archer’s Choice” & “The Choice” Saturday, April 26th 11 am – 12 pm:  Larry Weishuhn, “Trailing the Hunter's Moon” 1 pm – 2 pm:      Matt Hughes, “Uncaged” 3 pm – 4 pm:      Ralph & Vicki Cianciarulo, “Archer’s Choice” & “The Choice” Sunday, April 27th 11 am – 12 pm:  Larry Weishuhn, “Trailing the Hunter's Moon” 1 pm – 2 pm:      Matt Hughes, “Uncaged” The 143nd NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits will be held at the Indiana Convention Center in the center of downtown Indianapolis, IN, April 25-27, 2014.  Bring the whole family to enjoy the over 600 exhibitors covering over 400,000 square feet of exhibit hall space, educational seminars, celebrities, and fun-filled special events.  There will be something for everyone!  For more information on this event, visit    About Carl Zeiss Sports Optics   Carl Zeiss Sports Optics is a leading, international provider of premium sports optics and is part of the Consumer Optics Group of Carl Zeiss. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics, LLC is responsible for sales, marketing and distribution of its state-of-the-art binoculars, riflescopes, rangefinders and spotting scopes throughout the United States and Canada. Carl Zeiss Sports Optics’ North American headquarters is located in North Chesterfield, VA.   About the ZEISS Group ZEISS is an internationally leading technology enterprise operating in the fields of optics and optoelectronics. The company has been contributing to technological progress for more than 160 years. Founded in 1846, the company now has its headquarters in Oberkochen in southwest Germany and has representatives in over 40 countries.  
    Apr 21, 2014 20486