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Dave Burgis 's Entries

1 blog
  • 19 Sep 2010
    Man Those Bear,s had fun pulling down the Trail Cams and trying to eat the feeder,s as well as its contents!! at one feeder station the camera was untouched but the bear climbed the tree and snapped the roap that the feeder hangs on and dragged the feeder 100yrds of in the woods the motor still works but the pail is full of teeth holes.When I checked the next feeder station boy they had been busy, Camera was on the ground the solar panel 15ft up in the air that was once attached to the feeder was hanging down on its wires but still worked after some rewiring. The Racoons were guilty of doing this after all that I got lots of doe pic,s and lots of bear ones(no Bucks Yet!!)  till they got bored and pulled down the cam, the last station the camera was the only thing they picked on I am still trying to retreave the pictures as the camera was full of rain water! yes what a fun month the bears had while I was away!.  
    618 Posted by Dave Burgis
  • Man Those Bear,s had fun pulling down the Trail Cams and trying to eat the feeder,s as well as its contents!! at one feeder station the camera was untouched but the bear climbed the tree and snapped the roap that the feeder hangs on and dragged the feeder 100yrds of in the woods the motor still works but the pail is full of teeth holes.When I checked the next feeder station boy they had been busy, Camera was on the ground the solar panel 15ft up in the air that was once attached to the feeder was hanging down on its wires but still worked after some rewiring. The Racoons were guilty of doing this after all that I got lots of doe pic,s and lots of bear ones(no Bucks Yet!!)  till they got bored and pulled down the cam, the last station the camera was the only thing they picked on I am still trying to retreave the pictures as the camera was full of rain water! yes what a fun month the bears had while I was away!.  
    Sep 19, 2010 618