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Roger Coomber 's Entries

1 blog
  • 01 Jul 2010
    Namibia’s often harsh environment sometimes compels animals like elephant to travel great distances in order to find sufficient water and food. The outskirts of the Namib, though, offer sufficient food in times of good rainfall, with the big periodic rivers like the Ugab, Hoanib and Hoarusib functioning as linear oases and lifelines for the elephant as they trek into the desert, a feat which would otherwise not be possible. For some decades some elephants have chosen to live exclusively in Damaraland and Kaokoveld, and have adapted to survive in their environment: Their tusks have been shaped in a way better suited to the existence they lead. The soles of their feet have become far less sensitive to the gravel and the hot sand of the dunes. A truly magnificent sight is a herd of desert elephant, comprising large and small animals, walking gracefully and effortlessly across the rough patches of land that make up the Skeleton Coast.
    726 Posted by Roger Coomber
  • Namibia’s often harsh environment sometimes compels animals like elephant to travel great distances in order to find sufficient water and food. The outskirts of the Namib, though, offer sufficient food in times of good rainfall, with the big periodic rivers like the Ugab, Hoanib and Hoarusib functioning as linear oases and lifelines for the elephant as they trek into the desert, a feat which would otherwise not be possible. For some decades some elephants have chosen to live exclusively in Damaraland and Kaokoveld, and have adapted to survive in their environment: Their tusks have been shaped in a way better suited to the existence they lead. The soles of their feet have become far less sensitive to the gravel and the hot sand of the dunes. A truly magnificent sight is a herd of desert elephant, comprising large and small animals, walking gracefully and effortlessly across the rough patches of land that make up the Skeleton Coast.
    Jul 01, 2010 726