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Chris Avena 's Entries

3 blogs
  • 02 Nov 2013
    November 7-10th, 2013   Julie A. Mogenis aka The Judge is partnering up for an awesome upcoming event, hosted by LoneStarRanch of Harper, Texas. Mrs. Bambi Harrell has an amazing story of overcoming adversity and found The Judge’s “Day in the Life” video and was inspired by the story. These two wonderful ladies are now teaming up to make an eventful weekend for children with terminal illness. These children are so strong in their individual battles and Lone Star Ranch offers complimentary hunts for hope for these wonderful and inspirational children. The owner of Lone Star Ranch strives to create a safe haven for these children and their families to come and escape the day by day reality of their valiant fight for their lives. Special appearances:   Please visit: for more details.   We are asking anyone that is inspired by these wonderful children to call the Lone Star Ranch or World Wild Adventures to find out how you can help. Be a benefactor. Be a  sponsor.   #BeEpic     Lone Star Ranch: (830) 990-9500 or   World Wild Adventures: (800) 229-6789 or
    1714 Posted by Chris Avena
  • November 7-10th, 2013   Julie A. Mogenis aka The Judge is partnering up for an awesome upcoming event, hosted by LoneStarRanch of Harper, Texas. Mrs. Bambi Harrell has an amazing story of overcoming adversity and found The Judge’s “Day in the Life” video and was inspired by the story. These two wonderful ladies are now teaming up to make an eventful weekend for children with terminal illness. These children are so strong in their individual battles and Lone Star Ranch offers complimentary hunts for hope for these wonderful and inspirational children. The owner of Lone Star Ranch strives to create a safe haven for these children and their families to come and escape the day by day reality of their valiant fight for their lives. Special appearances:   Please visit: for more details.   We are asking anyone that is inspired by these wonderful children to call the Lone Star Ranch or World Wild Adventures to find out how you can help. Be a benefactor. Be a  sponsor.   #BeEpic     Lone Star Ranch: (830) 990-9500 or   World Wild Adventures: (800) 229-6789 or
    Nov 02, 2013 1714
  • 30 Apr 2013
                                             BREAKING NEWS   Judge julie Mogenis has received some encouraging news from her physicians and will be integrating some "ground work" or light duty back into her schedule. Although she will initially be delegating some hosting to the Adventure Pros, the Judge has wasted no time in her zest to "get the show on the road". Watch for her as she revs up the PR    She is already planning some explosive episodes for her show World Wild Adventures for this coming season. There is some great unseen 2012 big game footage to be aired in two upcoming series and.....the  World Wild Adventure Team is anxiously standing by with Parachutes on - ready to jump on a plane at a moments notice for their next adventure. Destination, unknown. Adventure, unknown.   It is rumored that Judge Julie will be in Huston this week for the NRA Convention to speak with new sponsors and to a New Celebrity Pro-Staff Member! Stand by for Further Updates!!
    1584 Posted by Chris Avena
  •                                          BREAKING NEWS   Judge julie Mogenis has received some encouraging news from her physicians and will be integrating some "ground work" or light duty back into her schedule. Although she will initially be delegating some hosting to the Adventure Pros, the Judge has wasted no time in her zest to "get the show on the road". Watch for her as she revs up the PR    She is already planning some explosive episodes for her show World Wild Adventures for this coming season. There is some great unseen 2012 big game footage to be aired in two upcoming series and.....the  World Wild Adventure Team is anxiously standing by with Parachutes on - ready to jump on a plane at a moments notice for their next adventure. Destination, unknown. Adventure, unknown.   It is rumored that Judge Julie will be in Huston this week for the NRA Convention to speak with new sponsors and to a New Celebrity Pro-Staff Member! Stand by for Further Updates!!
    Apr 30, 2013 1584
  • 22 Jun 2011
    The state Department of Conservation has begun a two-year effort to determine how many black bears are living in Missouri following an increase in sightings in recent years. ST. LOUIS (AP) — The state Department of Conservation has begun a two-year effort to determine how many black bears are living in Missouri following an increase in sightings in recent years. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported Thursday that biologists have been tracking the bears in 11 counties in far southern Missouri since last fall. The animals apparently are migrating to Missouri from Arkansas, which imported black bears from Minnesota four decades ago. Missouri's chief biologist, Jeff Beringer, uses doughnuts to bait large steel traps. When the bears go inside the traps, a grate slams shut. Sightings and anecdotal tales make it clear that the population is growing, he said, but nobody has any idea how many are out there. "It's like walking up to a two-acre pond and saying, 'How many bass are in there?''' Beringer said. "That's about where we are at estimating bears.'' So far, the crew has caught and released 49 bears, including five on Tuesday in Howell and Oregon counties, north of the Arkansas border. Thirty of them have been equipped with GPS collars, allowing the study group to track their travels and locate their dens. Beringer and his crew are counting the bears in far southern Missouri, where the hilly wooded Ozarks provide perfect bear habitat. Next year, the group will go to 12 southeastern counties, stretching north into Jefferson and Franklin counties. When a bear is found, it is sedated for about an hour so workers can attach the collars. The crew has been monitoring 25 traps daily. Beringer said the traps are set deep in the woods on ridgetops, the better to allow doughnut aroma to waft through the trees. Like most people, bears love doughnuts, Beringer said. "Bears go right for them,'' he said. "If you live on bugs and acorns, a doughnut is delicious.'' The project also has rigged 375 "hair snare'' locations throughout the study area. Fish-oil bait is ringed by barbed wire and when bears brush against them they leave bits of fur. A graduate student assistant from the University of Missouri at Columbia will pluck the samples for a DNA study. The bear project is a collaboration between the state, the University of Missouri and Mississippi State University. The scientists will estimate the bear population when they gather enough data. "Clearly, the population is on the increase,'' Beringer said. "We don't want them to be so abundant that they become a nuisance. The first thing is to get a handle on how many there are.'' Black bears almost always run away when they encounter people, unless a mother bear believes her cubs are in danger. There is no record of a black bear hurting anyone in the state. Conservation agents say people should not feed bears, or leave food around that bears can get because they will come back for more. When they start to expect handouts, they can become a nuisance. Beringer said Missouri may someday allow bear hunting, which it has prohibited for decades. Arkansas, with an estimated bear population of about 3,500, has allowed limited hunting since 1980. Population estimates nationwide run around 200,000 black bears, most of them in mountain states east and west.
    1405 Posted by Chris Avena
  • The state Department of Conservation has begun a two-year effort to determine how many black bears are living in Missouri following an increase in sightings in recent years. ST. LOUIS (AP) — The state Department of Conservation has begun a two-year effort to determine how many black bears are living in Missouri following an increase in sightings in recent years. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported Thursday that biologists have been tracking the bears in 11 counties in far southern Missouri since last fall. The animals apparently are migrating to Missouri from Arkansas, which imported black bears from Minnesota four decades ago. Missouri's chief biologist, Jeff Beringer, uses doughnuts to bait large steel traps. When the bears go inside the traps, a grate slams shut. Sightings and anecdotal tales make it clear that the population is growing, he said, but nobody has any idea how many are out there. "It's like walking up to a two-acre pond and saying, 'How many bass are in there?''' Beringer said. "That's about where we are at estimating bears.'' So far, the crew has caught and released 49 bears, including five on Tuesday in Howell and Oregon counties, north of the Arkansas border. Thirty of them have been equipped with GPS collars, allowing the study group to track their travels and locate their dens. Beringer and his crew are counting the bears in far southern Missouri, where the hilly wooded Ozarks provide perfect bear habitat. Next year, the group will go to 12 southeastern counties, stretching north into Jefferson and Franklin counties. When a bear is found, it is sedated for about an hour so workers can attach the collars. The crew has been monitoring 25 traps daily. Beringer said the traps are set deep in the woods on ridgetops, the better to allow doughnut aroma to waft through the trees. Like most people, bears love doughnuts, Beringer said. "Bears go right for them,'' he said. "If you live on bugs and acorns, a doughnut is delicious.'' The project also has rigged 375 "hair snare'' locations throughout the study area. Fish-oil bait is ringed by barbed wire and when bears brush against them they leave bits of fur. A graduate student assistant from the University of Missouri at Columbia will pluck the samples for a DNA study. The bear project is a collaboration between the state, the University of Missouri and Mississippi State University. The scientists will estimate the bear population when they gather enough data. "Clearly, the population is on the increase,'' Beringer said. "We don't want them to be so abundant that they become a nuisance. The first thing is to get a handle on how many there are.'' Black bears almost always run away when they encounter people, unless a mother bear believes her cubs are in danger. There is no record of a black bear hurting anyone in the state. Conservation agents say people should not feed bears, or leave food around that bears can get because they will come back for more. When they start to expect handouts, they can become a nuisance. Beringer said Missouri may someday allow bear hunting, which it has prohibited for decades. Arkansas, with an estimated bear population of about 3,500, has allowed limited hunting since 1980. Population estimates nationwide run around 200,000 black bears, most of them in mountain states east and west.
    Jun 22, 2011 1405