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Chris Avena 's Entries

12 blogs
  • 04 Sep 2012
                                          I dreamed of Africa For as long as I could remember, I have always dreamed about going to Africa. As a child, when I would go on camping trips, I would hide out in the woods and imagine that I was stalking the dangerous game of the “Dark Continent”. I would hide in the brush and as stealthily as possible, I would stalk my prey. I would use a stick from the woods as my rifle but it was as accurate as a Remington 700. I never missed. Every shot was carefully placed in the kill zone. Lions, Elephants, Cape Buffalo, I successfully tracked them all. In my minds eye, my trophy room was unsurpassed. I would proudly walk the room admiring my triumphs and victory’s.   When I was ten years old, we had taken a school trip to Sagamore Hill – President Teddy Roosevelt’s house. I was awe-struck from the moment I entered his home. There, in every room of his home were the trophies that I had been dreaming about. There were Lion Rugs, Cape Buffalo, Rhino mounts through out the house. In the great room, two American Bison mounts flanked either side of the huge fire place. I was in complete amazement of his hunting exploits. I knew then, that Teddy Roosevelt had left a life long impression on me that would leave me longing to experience the thrill of the dangerous game of Africa as he did a century before. Through the years, hunting in Africa was never far from my thoughts. Occasionally, I would speak to friends about planning a trip but the answers always seemed the same. “Sure, let’s plan something for next year” but next year would never come. Something always seemed to come up. We are buying a house, we are having a baby. I would love to but…….   A week ago, I received a call from Judge Julie Mogenis. I am part of her pro-staff for her new show “World Wild Adventures”. She began to tell me how bogged down her schedule was and how there just was not enough time to go on all of the hunts that she had booked. I did not expect her next question. She had asked if I would fill in on a hunt for her and co-host the segment of the show for her. I was caught a little off guard but without knowing anything about the hunt Julie was speaking about, I agreed to fill in thinking that maybe it was a deer or an elk hunt.   Awesome! You will have to be in Africa by Monday. I was silent for a moment trying to process what I had just heard. You want me in Africa by Monday to fill in for this hunt, I repeated? What kind of Plains game will we be hunting? No plains game Julie said. This will be a Green Hunt for Rhino. This conversation was getting better by the minute. My first trip to Africa and I will be hunting one of the Big Five? This was like a dream come true. Weather I wanted to fill in for her on this hunt or not was not even a factor. The only issue I had was that we had a family vacation planned to Cabo San Lucus and the dates would overlap by a few days. I needed to speak to my family to shuffle around some dates. After I hung up the phone I woke up my girlfriend to tell her about the conversation. I was not sure how we would work out the dates but she said not to worry about any of that and I should just go to Africa. I really did not have to be told twice so I booked the flights the next day.   All I know is, one minute I was laying on my bed watching the Cartoon Network with my son and the next minute, I am on a plane to South Africa to hunt rhino. It is an experience of a life time. I can honestly say that if you work hard enough and you want it bad enough – Dreams do come true- So follow your dreams.
    1237 Posted by Chris Avena
  •                                       I dreamed of Africa For as long as I could remember, I have always dreamed about going to Africa. As a child, when I would go on camping trips, I would hide out in the woods and imagine that I was stalking the dangerous game of the “Dark Continent”. I would hide in the brush and as stealthily as possible, I would stalk my prey. I would use a stick from the woods as my rifle but it was as accurate as a Remington 700. I never missed. Every shot was carefully placed in the kill zone. Lions, Elephants, Cape Buffalo, I successfully tracked them all. In my minds eye, my trophy room was unsurpassed. I would proudly walk the room admiring my triumphs and victory’s.   When I was ten years old, we had taken a school trip to Sagamore Hill – President Teddy Roosevelt’s house. I was awe-struck from the moment I entered his home. There, in every room of his home were the trophies that I had been dreaming about. There were Lion Rugs, Cape Buffalo, Rhino mounts through out the house. In the great room, two American Bison mounts flanked either side of the huge fire place. I was in complete amazement of his hunting exploits. I knew then, that Teddy Roosevelt had left a life long impression on me that would leave me longing to experience the thrill of the dangerous game of Africa as he did a century before. Through the years, hunting in Africa was never far from my thoughts. Occasionally, I would speak to friends about planning a trip but the answers always seemed the same. “Sure, let’s plan something for next year” but next year would never come. Something always seemed to come up. We are buying a house, we are having a baby. I would love to but…….   A week ago, I received a call from Judge Julie Mogenis. I am part of her pro-staff for her new show “World Wild Adventures”. She began to tell me how bogged down her schedule was and how there just was not enough time to go on all of the hunts that she had booked. I did not expect her next question. She had asked if I would fill in on a hunt for her and co-host the segment of the show for her. I was caught a little off guard but without knowing anything about the hunt Julie was speaking about, I agreed to fill in thinking that maybe it was a deer or an elk hunt.   Awesome! You will have to be in Africa by Monday. I was silent for a moment trying to process what I had just heard. You want me in Africa by Monday to fill in for this hunt, I repeated? What kind of Plains game will we be hunting? No plains game Julie said. This will be a Green Hunt for Rhino. This conversation was getting better by the minute. My first trip to Africa and I will be hunting one of the Big Five? This was like a dream come true. Weather I wanted to fill in for her on this hunt or not was not even a factor. The only issue I had was that we had a family vacation planned to Cabo San Lucus and the dates would overlap by a few days. I needed to speak to my family to shuffle around some dates. After I hung up the phone I woke up my girlfriend to tell her about the conversation. I was not sure how we would work out the dates but she said not to worry about any of that and I should just go to Africa. I really did not have to be told twice so I booked the flights the next day.   All I know is, one minute I was laying on my bed watching the Cartoon Network with my son and the next minute, I am on a plane to South Africa to hunt rhino. It is an experience of a life time. I can honestly say that if you work hard enough and you want it bad enough – Dreams do come true- So follow your dreams.
    Sep 04, 2012 1237
  • 16 Mar 2012
    Trump Safari Controversy: Sponsor Fires Celebrity Apprentice Over Hunting Photos Read more:     Not all outdoorsy types are down with the Trump boys' hunting hobby. Camping World, one of the show's sponsors this season, has vowed not to work with Celebrity Apprentice in the future following the release earlier this week of photos of Donald Trump Jr. and younger brother Eric posing with a dead elephant, a crocodile and other animals they killed while on safari in Zimbabwe last year. But the RV-supply company, which has not advertised on NBC during the show but has spent money as an affiliated sponsor along with Good Sam Roadside Assistance and will be featured on an upcoming episode, says this isn't a judgment on hunting or people who hunt. So, why is Camping World "not thrilled" with the Trumps? MORE: Donald Trump's Sons Defend Killing Animals on African Safari: We Have "Utmost Respect for Nature" "I was not happy with the pictures that I saw," company CEO Marcus Lemonis explained to E! News. "It has nothing to do with whether people hunt or not. There was a photo of a leopard—they’re endangered." (Per the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, leopards are considered "threatened" in Africa.)   "At the end of the day," Lemonis continued, "when you associate with someone, you have to deal with consequences that go along with them. Whether they hunt or not is irrelevant to me...I saw a leopard and an elephant [in the safari photos]. I wasn’t crazy about that. This isn’t anything personal against Donald Trump himself or the show. People are going to hunt. I know Trump himself is not an advocate of hunting. I just don’t agree with what happened. I have a right to choose who I am affiliated with. We won’t be a sponsor in the future." Papa Trump appeared to be in his boys' court as late as yesterday, telling Extra, that Don Jr. and Eric are "expert hunters." But he may have made for a chillier dinner table (if not a chillier pretaped boardroom) by tweeting this today in response to the new development: "I'm not a hunter and don't approve of killing animals. I strongly disagree with my sons who are hunters, but they acted legally and did what lots of hunters do." When the photos made the rounds, Don Jr. denied leaking them himself for publicity purposes—but also said that he had nothing to apologize for, as the meat from his and Eric's various kills went to feeding an entire village. "We are both avid outdoorsmen and were brought up hunting and fishing with our Grandfather who taught us that nothing should ever be taken for granted or wasted," the brothers said in a statement as Don Jr. went about defending himself to a ravenous pack of critics on Twitter. —Reporting by Sharareh Drury Read more:
    1336 Posted by Chris Avena
  • Trump Safari Controversy: Sponsor Fires Celebrity Apprentice Over Hunting Photos Read more:     Not all outdoorsy types are down with the Trump boys' hunting hobby. Camping World, one of the show's sponsors this season, has vowed not to work with Celebrity Apprentice in the future following the release earlier this week of photos of Donald Trump Jr. and younger brother Eric posing with a dead elephant, a crocodile and other animals they killed while on safari in Zimbabwe last year. But the RV-supply company, which has not advertised on NBC during the show but has spent money as an affiliated sponsor along with Good Sam Roadside Assistance and will be featured on an upcoming episode, says this isn't a judgment on hunting or people who hunt. So, why is Camping World "not thrilled" with the Trumps? MORE: Donald Trump's Sons Defend Killing Animals on African Safari: We Have "Utmost Respect for Nature" "I was not happy with the pictures that I saw," company CEO Marcus Lemonis explained to E! News. "It has nothing to do with whether people hunt or not. There was a photo of a leopard—they’re endangered." (Per the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, leopards are considered "threatened" in Africa.)   "At the end of the day," Lemonis continued, "when you associate with someone, you have to deal with consequences that go along with them. Whether they hunt or not is irrelevant to me...I saw a leopard and an elephant [in the safari photos]. I wasn’t crazy about that. This isn’t anything personal against Donald Trump himself or the show. People are going to hunt. I know Trump himself is not an advocate of hunting. I just don’t agree with what happened. I have a right to choose who I am affiliated with. We won’t be a sponsor in the future." Papa Trump appeared to be in his boys' court as late as yesterday, telling Extra, that Don Jr. and Eric are "expert hunters." But he may have made for a chillier dinner table (if not a chillier pretaped boardroom) by tweeting this today in response to the new development: "I'm not a hunter and don't approve of killing animals. I strongly disagree with my sons who are hunters, but they acted legally and did what lots of hunters do." When the photos made the rounds, Don Jr. denied leaking them himself for publicity purposes—but also said that he had nothing to apologize for, as the meat from his and Eric's various kills went to feeding an entire village. "We are both avid outdoorsmen and were brought up hunting and fishing with our Grandfather who taught us that nothing should ever be taken for granted or wasted," the brothers said in a statement as Don Jr. went about defending himself to a ravenous pack of critics on Twitter. —Reporting by Sharareh Drury Read more:
    Mar 16, 2012 1336