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Derek St.Romain 's Entries

1 blog
  • 23 Jun 2010
     Ok, i am just starting out filming my hunts...finally! And I am gonna start out slowly and do some experimenting on my own but was wondering... A_ do any of you guy's that film use a bow mounted camera? I just ordered a bow mount for my little camera and was wondering how well this works, i know it is not going to win any awards but will definitely get the footage. B- WHAT CAMERA do you think should be ny first decent camera. My father-in-law has an E-2000 that is AWESOME! but he paid almost 2k for it....I don't have 2k to spend on a camera at this point so need other options...(he is coming over tonight and i am gonna ask him to let me use it, that would be awesome!) C- Any tips would be appreciated! Please, please, please give me some helpful advice if you have matter how small! except, don't say not to miss the shot, I got that part figured out:)
    672 Posted by Derek St.Romain
  •  Ok, i am just starting out filming my hunts...finally! And I am gonna start out slowly and do some experimenting on my own but was wondering... A_ do any of you guy's that film use a bow mounted camera? I just ordered a bow mount for my little camera and was wondering how well this works, i know it is not going to win any awards but will definitely get the footage. B- WHAT CAMERA do you think should be ny first decent camera. My father-in-law has an E-2000 that is AWESOME! but he paid almost 2k for it....I don't have 2k to spend on a camera at this point so need other options...(he is coming over tonight and i am gonna ask him to let me use it, that would be awesome!) C- Any tips would be appreciated! Please, please, please give me some helpful advice if you have matter how small! except, don't say not to miss the shot, I got that part figured out:)
    Jun 23, 2010 672